IndigoBlue:As a film, it seemed to us to be an excellent portrayal of the New Testament accounts. Most of the events were direct representations. There were a few embellishments ...
I say the movie yesterday. Here's some other "embellishments" ...
1. Simon the Cyrene standing up to the Roman guards on behalf of Jesus.
2. Jesus being the inventor of the dinet set (flashback).
3. Any scene in which Satan is directly present.
4. Animalistic hatred shown by Roman soldiers. Although they taunted and struck him in scriptural accounts, their depictions were too monster-like IMHO.
5. Any flashback of Jesus living with his mother.
6. The entire set of Judas/Satan/Child-Demon interactions.
7. The perpetuation of Jesus as the tall-good-looking messiah. Scripture says he had no beauty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
There may be others.
All in all I thought it was 1) a good conversation generator (which is what I think most devout Christians were appreciative for), 2) a sympathic depiction of a Christian theme (rare in Hollywood) and 3) to a lessor extent an informative movie allowing non-Christians to witness what Christians hold so dear.
I don't know why, and I feel almost heretical to say it based on the reactions of some people I've discussed this with, but I was much more personally moved by the much less popular "Luther" movie (see lutherthemovie.com ). But that's just me; I'm not trying to detract from the experience of those of you who may have been affected so profoundly.