Top Reason Pasley should hurry home: the relaxation of diving at 100 feet with 5 ft of vis surrounded by green water
Date: 03/30/2007
Location: La Jolla Shores/Gardens
Time: 06:02am descent
Temp: 55
Vis: 3-5 feet is being generous I think maybe 8 at depth
Max Depth: 110 feet
Bottom Time: 54 mins 25 of it spent at the Gardens
Buddies: Divinman
Dive#: 200
Having been unable to do any diving at dawn this week I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when work was going to afford me my Friday morning to do as I please, dawn patrol it is and hey I knew Terry would be going out this morning so I tagged along. We met in the main lot to find 1-3ft waves, very manageable, not much power, some swell from both the south and north but not really any current.
Kicking out we dropped in about 45feet of water and immediately Terry spotted a very nice sized Armina. Many Squid eggs still abound and can someone tell me how long these buggers take before they hatch??? We hit 90 feet and I wasn't quite sure where we were in relation to the gardens, it seemed to flatten out in front of us, but we purused the Squid Eggs finding a beautiful Black Dorid, Hermissendas, Octopus, Crabs of all kinds and sizes. Started our way a bit south and quickly came up on the Gardens.
There we a bunch of tiny Trilineatas, big Spanish Shawls, Porostomes including a beautiful white one I pointed out to Terry. Saw Barb and Mikey's big honkin Sheephead for the first time, the one who is so big there is no way he gets in that cave. His head filled the entire opening. The Gorgonians are starting to look better than they did a couple months ago. Many dark purple ones, yellow, red, all the colors, even some Strawberry Anenomes seem to have taken up residence. Today I saw my first Anenome in the sand actually feeding, or at least I noticed it feeding. Watching its tentacles reach into it's mouth, one after the other, until it completely closed in to finish. I wish I knew had to use the video on this camera. A beautiful Yellow Anenome in the sand, I've never seen them this color.
Finally my computer started beeping at me, was time to ascend, looking at my computer I was surprised we had actually spent about 20-25 minutes here , looking at my air made me agree with my computer about heading back. Coming up slope lots of Octopus again, some Dirona Pictas, more Black Dorids, we actually saw 4 different ones this morning. As we hit the 60 foot contour the vis really deteriorated, the water was very green and lights really didn't help except to keep track of each other. I came up in about 10feet of water cause my SPG said I better, Terry of course stood up in about 5 feet of water big ole grin on his face despite the bad vis.
What a beautiful dive this morning, the Gardens are always so relaxing, even with bad vis. Thanks for the dive this morning Terry
No spectacular photos from me this morning, if you wish to puruse here you go: LJS Dive 200/