The Pasley "HURRY HOME" March '07 Dive Reports

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Top Reason Pasley should hurry home: the sand at home is covered with Nudi's
Date: 031907, yeah I know I already went diving on this date but the conditions were so nice....
Location: La Jolla Shores
Time: 06:50pm descent
Temp: 57 is my computer crazy
Vis: 20 ft or as far as Jen's can light would shine
Max Depth: 67 feet
Bottom Time: 70 mins
Buddies: ChickoftheSea

Since Jen missed out on the morning's dawn patrol I agreed reluctantly (yeah right) to go back out for a night dive. Well, conditions were actually better despite being told there was a ripping north current in the afternoon. Some 2-3 foot set waves, with sets far between, no surge, a light north current on the surface only, and the vis was better than the morning.

We had decided to head south from the main lifegaurd tower just in case we had some current at depth and we wanted to try and find the Dedronotus Iris again. The girls did an excellent job descending in 50 feet of water and we both knew that meant more bottom time with no travel to our destination. We headed a little southwest over the expanses of Squid Eggs that are in the area. There were 2 of the oddest colored CO Soles sitting in some debris on the bottom, they were brownish, darker than any I have ever seen before, and they were right next to each other. Tons and I mean like there must be hundreds of Hermissendas are just everywhere you look still. As well as an abundance of Nudi Eggs attached to just about everything on the bottom including the Squid Eggs.

Heading South we continued to run into Hermissendas galore and then onto the small structure that had the big honkin Pipefish, yes, he is still there on the same Kelp Strand. This guy is really incredibly beautiful, his colors are just vibrant and rich. A nice OneSpot Fringehead was sitting in the sand, completely in the open, a big Snail hoofin it across the sand, I don't know what kind of snail this is but it looks like a Kellets Welk on steroids. 2 very large Crabs on this structure, one bright Red and the other Yellow, lets see Jen called them Freakishly Big.

Moving on a bit we finally ran into some Dirona Pictas and even a couple of very small Navanax burrowing in the sand, they were leaving little trails. I wasn't sure at first what they were but brushed the sand off one and saw the telltale blue stripes and knew. We came on our turn around time and started to make our way East, a couple of little Thornback Rays, and then low and behold our one and only Iris for the night . Thank Goodness, all I wanted to find tonight was an Iris for Jen. Quite an uneventful swim in until we turned our light out in 10 feet of water, there wasn't as much biolumenesence as last week and that was quite apparent as we slammed into each other.

Was a beautiful night for diving






Hermissendaatnight031907.jpg LJS night dive/
Top Reason Pasley should hurry home: to watch the critters eat breakfast
Date: 03/23/2007
Location: La Jolla V Street
Time: 06:23am descent
Temp: 59 on my computer, it has to be wrong
Vis: 10 feet
Max Depth: 82 feet
Bottom Time: 63 mins
Buddies: ChickoftheSea

Hoping for the best and minus 2 of our normal dawn patrollers, Jen and I decided to take a chance anyways. At first it was a little hard to gauge the surf, the tide is so low we actually walked down the beach before deciding it was very doable. Went back to the cars to gear up and once we got in we actually ended up walking past the surf to put our fins on so it really wasn't as bad as we had anticipated.

A couple of sprinkles fell on the swim out but no current or chop. We descended in about 60-70 feet of water and started South as we had agreed. The Hermissenda's are still out in numbers. Egg's on every piece of grass you go by. Lots of Octo's out this morning, it was still dark. The first one I came across was rather large and eating a Crab. Hmmmm, breakfast, oh no, for him it would be dinner. This would be a theme during this dive, creatures eating other creatures. As we made our way across the sand expanse a nice Onespot Fringehead and several more Red Octo's, only 1 Dirona Picta this morning, not a single Iris.

Continuing south and staying at our depth we came upon a large detrius patch sitting below some of the new sandstone structure, not the shear walls, just sort of rubble. Below the patch were baskets of Squid Eggs. Several Baby Scorpionfish were to be found, each a different color and size. The baby Kelp Bass are getting bigger and are starting to hide in the detrius as well. Lobsters and baby Rockfish were also plentiful. Jen found 2 beautiful Black Dorid's, they were swaying on some grass right next to each other actually. A large school of Surf Perch were with us much of the time. Came across a Sandab eating breakfast followed by a large Crab also eating breakfast, see the theme.

We followed the contour South for a very long time before finally hitting a turn around point, at which time it appeared we were actually just below the eastern edge of Vallecitos Point. I wasn't sure of this until we got to shore and I had taken us just a bit North. Not much to report on the swim in, Bubble Snails, a Halibut under my knee, Stingrays, the usual critters.

Stood up in 4 feet of water almost at the lifeguard tower, I went back under the waves and swam south a bit as the set waves here were bigger then towards V Street.

Beautiful dive this morning, thanks Jen for joining me this morning.






Crabeatingbreakfast032307.jpg LJS/
La Jolla Shores, 03-24-07

Cool, overcast morning; sun later
Surf 1’, with an occasional pathetic 2’r
Swells were very mild
0.5’ tide, on a 1.7 knot ebb
Air temperature was 60 degrees
Temperature at any depth is unknown, forgot to check.
No surge present
Visibility averaged 15’ throughout the dive
Max depth 90’
Total bottom time 49 minutes

Buddies: Kim, Steve, Jesus, Laura, Mike (Mac) and Ron

Here is a link to the 2 page photo album 03-24-07/

The Report:
I put out a request earlier in the week for a dive buddy and stirred up quite a bit of interest. 6 divers besides me were able to maintain that interest through the week and show up this morning. There were a couple of regulars, plus several new faces this morning. After the initial meet and greet, we did what all divers do when they meet a new potential dive buddy, we circled around, sniffing each others gear. Thankfully, we were saved the trauma of watching one of our new buddies attempt to mark his territory by the timely arrival of a passing Lifeguard truck.

The tide was way out this morning, but the sand was hard packed, so the lengthy walk was at least comfortable. We decided a nice easy dive to Vallecitos would be the order of the day. An easy entry was followed by a very long surface swim, despite the low tide. I tried to confirm the lineups Kim was using before dropping, the best I could determine was the Northern Channel Islands and the tip of the OB pier to our south. We grouped up, checked to make sure we were ready, before slowly sinking below the surface; our venting BC’s leaving eruptions of air and water in our wake.

We were still dropping by the time Laura and I hit 75’, and we could see the others continuing their steady descent unhindered below us. Wanting to insure their safety and make sure we stayed together as a group, Laura and I stopped at 80’, headed east until we hit the slope, then decided to wait patiently for whenever the others hit bottom and bounced back or looked at their gauges and started heading east. We were soon greeted by the sight of 5 happy divers rising up the slope, their lights cutting a swath in front of them, heralding their arrival.

After regrouping, we headed S/E along the slope. There are still small patches of Squid eggs along with various patches of detritus to be seen, but we never actually hit the rock or wall structure. We spent all our time grooming the slopes and poking into things looking for life and photo ops. If there was a theme today, and there was or I wouldn’t bother taking the time to mention it, it was love and small things. Now those two don’t generally go together without at least some money exchanging hands, but in the ocean today it abounded. Well, maybe in Munchkin land, when both Dorothy and the witches are absent, but that’s a movie better off unmade.

I didn’t see anything large today; everything seemed to be in miniature, much to the chagrin of my non-macro equipped camera. In addition, everything seemed to be mating with something else. Like a watch gone bad, you could tell spring had sprung. I saw a lot of swimming crabs, none of which were by the way, instead choosing to do the aforementioned nasty with other willing crabs. I found one Purple Globe Crab who was alone when I found him, but I think he had just finished with a mate who either out performed him or simply wore him down. It looked like the pressure to perform got to him, causing him to explode from within. He was sitting in the sand, a satisfied grin on his face, but missing the top of his shell. That same missing top was lying comfortably on the sand next to him. His rapturous demise appeared to be recent, as his overworked innards were still intact when I took his picture.

Hermissendas were out in force today, crawling, climbing and just generally making a nuisance of themselves. The larger 1”-2” ones were plowing furrows in the sand, while the tiny 1/2" ones were generally found climbing up the corporate ladder on stalks of grass or debris. Dirona Pictas were also found in abundance, tending to hang out among the debris rather than stay out in the open. Sanddabs were everywhere as expected, but for some reason, they did more hovering and cavorting in the water column than their mothers would deem prudent. I also spotted a Onespot Fringehead, well, no actually, I didn’t spot him, he came that way, but I did see him hiding almost effectively in a small patch of debris. I also saw the occasional Ronquil and a couple of Lizardfish this morning, but few other fin’d creatures. Most of our sightings either clawed or crawled.

We bumped up against our predetermined turnaround pressure before we were ready, but that tends to happen on every dive. The slow swim in along the bottom offered up feisty non-swimming Swimming Crabs and startled Stingrays, but not much else. We swam leisurely in under the waves until we were in about 4’ of water, surfacing to a glorious sun and sparkling water lapping around us. It was a wonderful day to be diving with friends, new and old.











Date: 3/23/07
Dive Location: Anacapa
Buddy(ies): David, Jeanine, Claudette, Tevis
Time: 3 dive 3/4 day boat
Bottom Time: uh...
Max Depth: maybe 40 feet
Vis: not great. Surge, Current, not the best conditions
Wave height: Boat dive... who cares
Temp at depth: 54 to 55
Surface Temp: drysuit - whatever
Tide information: bi8g swing, lots o' water moving
Gas mix: shhh....
Top reason Pasley should hurry home: Even when conditions suck, the hang can still be pretty good.


D & J, our adopted SoCal homies from Fresno were down for the weekend looking for some dives. Some of us got together on the Spectre on Friday morning.

As this was a 3/4 day boat, it was mercifully leaving at 8:00 AM. So 'Chica picked me up at too-damn-early o-clock and we headed up Friday. We hit the boat around 7:00 AM-ish, set up and prepare for what looked like would be a gorgeous day.

A pretty flat ride out to 'capa - with a double whale siting about 30 minutes from the island. They popped up twice just off the bow, to the excitement of the very full boat.

As we got to Anacapa, the current was pretty fierce. And the surge wasn't cooperating either. So the choices facing Capt Ted:

1) Escape the surge, and dive out from the island a bit - putting us in the current

2) Escape the current, and dive closer to the island - putting us in the surge.

With a boat loaded with students and some newbies, he elected Surge over Current. So we were in mild current and considerable surge most of the day.

DIVE 1 - Chica and I buddy up with Jeanine (I will go back and learn to spell your name soon... promise!) We splash into the Arch with pretty poor vis, several Sea Lions wanting to play and a cloud of silt from the surge and wacky Sea Lions. While 'dette and Jeannnnnneannne did some drills I ran across the Cockerell's. He was so tiny, and I was getting slammed in the surge - so the pics and nice a fuzzy. My favorite. :rolleyes: Chica soon found a little San Diego Dorid jammed into the side of a rock, chewing hydroids. I could not get him to come out, so I took a nice fuzzy shot of his butt. I stumbled onto a very large Bat Ray, who exploded off the bottom in front of us... more silt. We kept heading into the current so we can float back to the boat. The plan worked and dive 1 came to a silty surgey, swift current end.

DIVE 2 - Jennneeaaane and I buddy up. We're first in and splash into Goldfish Bowl. We're descending and I look over at her, and we're all good. I put us into the current again, and along the reef - looking for something to shoot. About 4 or 5 minutes into the dive, Jeanine comes over and makes a sign I've never seen before. Hmmmm... She makes it again, and I get it: Severe Neck Seal Flood. We slowly surface and kick back to the boat. Claudette, Tevis and David are still on deck, so 'Chica and her get the neck seal sorted out, and the 5 of us drop. I find the coffee bean in the surge for another fuzzy photo. But seeing as its only the 3rd coffee bean I've seen alive in nearly 800 dives (I have about 5 or 6 shells at home... the live ones are rare for me) I did a little dance and shaked my booty. :banana: The other four divers weren't impressed - Although I think Tevis stole some of my moves for dive 3 (see below.)

DIVE 3 - David sitting this one out, so it was me and 'chica, Sweet-T and Jeanenenenenne. 'Dette and I drop first. More current, more surge. OY. Caudette spots this really big Horn Shark in a cave, so I get a shot. A few moments later we're in a channel and Tevis and Jenineiieene come over. As we're in the channel, Tevis spots this cute little horn shark and shakes his booty and thinks he's all that. I'm all "come here, folks..." I lead them to Chica's giant shark and induce immediate Shark envy. We split up, and Claudette and I spend the rest of the dive with a pair or Harbor Seals under the kelp canopy.

On the ride back, I got some sleep. Anacapa just wasn't into us today, and I just wasn't into it. Jaye was waiting on the dock when we arrived - the plan was Chica would mule my stuff home ( :10: ) so Jaye and I could go wine tasting Saturday and just leave from Ventura Harbor. Before leaving for dinner at the Los Olivois Cafe, we all hung out for a bit at the Greek place in the harbor. Flaming cheese, hummus and calamari.

Marginal diving, but great friends and yummy snacks - so it totally balanced out.

Fuzzy pics below.


Fuzzy Cockerells

My Booty Shaking Fuzzy Coffee Bean

The Bigger Shark ( :mooner: )

Fuzzy Sandy Butt

CT worms were everywhere. Impossible to get a good, sharp shot of any in the blasting surge. But that didn't stop me from shooting these... they seemed to glow.

Fed Ex and Purp.

If you get the Red X of Death, you are missing nothing. The pics are painfully weak. Power down your computer and go outside.
Jeeez Ken, even your "fuzzy" shots are stunning! That worm shot is tres cool!!

Ken!!! Dearest and Most Exquisitely Skilled and Knowledgeable Dive Buddy!!

Shake yourself! This photograph is Past-Pluto Sensational!!

This little purple nudibranch, rearing back and ROARING like the MGM Lion, with its face full of pugnacious attitude, and mohawked cerrata... well he's Fantastic!

He's acting like he's about 400 pounds of bad@ss gastropodal ReefMastah raging across his turf, challenging all comers!!!

And then the explosion of Purp-Spikes from the right sets all perspective back on the rails: This li'l darling is all of 1-inch long at the most, and wouldn't be able to tip a hummingbird over on a good day.

The littlest lion that roared!

This is a fabulous picture. Thank you.


Date: 3/23/07
Dive Location: Anacapa

Fed Ex and Purp.
Not sure if I'm posting this in the correct thread or not but... here goes :)

Did 3 dives off the Spectre in Anacapa this past weekend for Shanon's birthday. Conditions weren't wonderful... a little surge, vis could be better... but we all had a great time! Thank you Shanon for being a year older and inviting me to your wonderful birthday dive trip! :) Thanks to Shanon and Josh for being such great dive buddies :)

Happy Birthday Shanon!








Nice shot of that sea lion Jen! Looks like it's batting it's lashes at somebody!
And another shot of a pugnacious Shawl! What is about those guys, always trying to pick a fight.
Nice shot of that sea lion Jen! Looks like it's batting it's lashes at somebody!
And another shot of a pugnacious Shawl! What is about those guys, always trying to pick a fight.

Thanks Robert :) Yeah that sea lion really took a liking to me... I was gazing into his eyes for so long... I almost reached out and kissed him :D but then I remembered.... those things have TEETH :D

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