The New Indiana Jones Movie...

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Well, judging from the outlandish plotline of the new Indy movie, it might not be far off. But George Lucas created more than just Star Wars with Indiana Jones being just one example.:D
Well....I suppose it depends on who one considers more important....the producer, or the director. :D

edit: Still..... I must say I didn't really realize they were Lucas's stories. I thought it was a Stephen Speilberg thing.

Live and learn....
Well....I suppose it depends on who one considers more important....the producer, or the director. :D

I guess you're right. But seeing as George Lucas created the whole Indiana Jones franchise, produced the Crystal Skull and Raiders and, more importantly, wrote the story for all four the Indy movies, this one inclusive, I blame him for the prank :wink:
I didn't mind it. Nothing I'd see again but it was nice to see for nostalgia sake. I found it very much like the old ones and it reminded me of watching it as a kid. Saw it on Tight-A**e Tuesday though so glad I didn't pay full price. :)
I didn't think it was that bad. I gave it a "B." I don't think the plot was any more outlandish than any of the other common mythology that previous Indy films focused on. There is a clear error as the plane/map/course is outlined onscreen; the map shows them flying over Belize, which in 1957, or whenever the film is set, would have been British Honduras. It wasn't a great film, but the time went by very quickly, with many chase/action scenes. Some will like it, some will not, don't listen to either side, see for yourself.

I thought it was pretty lame... I didn't think a movie could jump the shark...

I guess Spielberg can though...
I wish I could have those 2 hours of my life and the $10 spent on a ticket back. I'm not sure exactly how much acid Lucas and Spielberg dropped before they decided on the plot for this travesty of a picture. I understand you have to practice willing suspension of disbelief for movies such as this, but this movie was a wreck.

You could see where the movie was headed within the first 10 minutes of the film. When the camera showed them opening up the bay doors in the very beginning and 'Area 51' was clearly marked on them, I began to get a very bad feeling of where the focus was headed.

I appreciated seeing Marion Ravenwood back, as I think she was the best out of all three females in the series, but her character ending up being just a smiling (read: loony-looking), half crazy soccer mom behind the wheel for a great deal of the film.

The ridiculous biker outfit Henry Jr. was wearing when he rides up to the train was ripped off from Marlon Brando’s character in "The Wild Ones". It was replicated right down to the vintage springer motorcycle. Very cheesy and indicative of the lack of originality in the entire film. I like Shia LeBouef very much as an actor, I think he was just poorly miscast in this role.

Sadly, I think the whole movie lacked the charm and style the other three had. Too bad, cause I had really been looking forward to it. It's just my two cents, others may walk out liking the film. On a positive note though, I don't think Harrison Ford did a bad job actually.
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So it sounds like it will go to DVD soon. Target had 1-3 on sale for $10/ea. Once 4 comes out, goes down to $10, this will drive the price of 1-3 down to $5/ea. Then I'll pick up the whole set for $25. :D That's my plan and I'm sticking to it. :crafty:

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