Date: 2/16/06
Dive Location: North Crescent Bay, Laguna
Buddy(ies): Glycerin
Time: 7:04am
Bottom Time: 56 min
Max Depth: 41 fsw
Vis: 15-20 ft
Wave height: 1-2 ft
Surge: 1-2 ft
Temp at depth: 55 F
Surface Temp: N/A
Tide information: Mid, low going high
Gas mix: 21%
Comments: Hooked up with Josh at North Crescent for an early AM dive. Conditions were great - clear skies with light offshore winds. Air temp were on the brisk side. We entered the water around mid tide. Upon descending, we encountered fair-good visibility and minimal surge.
We were out for bugs today. We nabbed one legal sized bug in approx 30 fsw just a couple minutes into the dive. Afterwards, we continued to work the cracks and crevices in reef as we made our way west, toward Seal Rock. Along the way, we encountered about 3-4 bugs. A couple of them were really nice sized; all well out of arms reach, of course. We made the turn when Josh hit approx 1500 psi. About mid way back, we came across a big rock with about 2-3 bugs tucked underneath it. I was able to reach and wrestle one of them out fairly quickly ... he measured just a tad short :crying2: The others were definite keepers. Josh and I tried double teaming them from opposite sides of the rock, however, we couldn't quite coax them into reachable range. We finally gave up after 5-6 minutes. We had a nice relaxed final leg which ended in the sandy shallows. We saw a cool little sting ray scooting along the bottom just prior to ascending.
Dive Location: North Crescent Bay, Laguna
Buddy(ies): Glycerin
Time: 7:04am
Bottom Time: 56 min
Max Depth: 41 fsw
Vis: 15-20 ft
Wave height: 1-2 ft
Surge: 1-2 ft
Temp at depth: 55 F
Surface Temp: N/A
Tide information: Mid, low going high
Gas mix: 21%
Comments: Hooked up with Josh at North Crescent for an early AM dive. Conditions were great - clear skies with light offshore winds. Air temp were on the brisk side. We entered the water around mid tide. Upon descending, we encountered fair-good visibility and minimal surge.
We were out for bugs today. We nabbed one legal sized bug in approx 30 fsw just a couple minutes into the dive. Afterwards, we continued to work the cracks and crevices in reef as we made our way west, toward Seal Rock. Along the way, we encountered about 3-4 bugs. A couple of them were really nice sized; all well out of arms reach, of course. We made the turn when Josh hit approx 1500 psi. About mid way back, we came across a big rock with about 2-3 bugs tucked underneath it. I was able to reach and wrestle one of them out fairly quickly ... he measured just a tad short :crying2: The others were definite keepers. Josh and I tried double teaming them from opposite sides of the rock, however, we couldn't quite coax them into reachable range. We finally gave up after 5-6 minutes. We had a nice relaxed final leg which ended in the sandy shallows. We saw a cool little sting ray scooting along the bottom just prior to ascending.