Final tally? He squids me a little and the viz was Great!
Valentines Day, February 14, 2006
Redondo Canyon, Veterans Park
8:00 PM splash
57F temp
Visibility: 20 feet and better!
Max depth: 73fsw
Run time: 57minutes
2 days after the full moon
Frank-O and I were wise enough to shift Valentine events with our respective spouses to a non-diving day... so we were free to voyeur-it down in the canyon, hoping for libidinous
Loligo opalescens (market squid) to be strutting their multi-armed stuff for our eyes and lenses.
Clouds obscured the moon, and there were no squid boats out, but we splashed in hoping for the best.
Surprise!!! I could see my fins while surface swimming out toward the canyon! Fins.. heck, I could see the bottom at about 20 feet. We parachute-dropped onto a huge, rippled-sand field, with crabs and Kellet's whelks visible for great distances in all directions. Incredibly dense patches of 3/4 inch sand dollars continue to line the edges of the canyon at about 35fsw. We slipped over the edge and down the slope, chasing frantic schools of 4 inch slivery fish with our flaming HIDs. We found thick clusters of big squid egg-sacks starting at 60fsw and continuing down to 75 fsw. Individual squid propulsed about, while pairs mated here and there above the egg patches. We both laughed to see two crabs doing a tug-o'-war over a dead squid, while other crabs were running up the slope carrying smaller bits. The regulars paraded before Frank's camera:
Crabs (all kinds: swimming, sheep, yellow, brown, elbow, masking, and a funny one with 1 inch long lateral spines, fat claws, that liked to hop up and down... weird looking! Maybe Frank got a picture...),
octopus, cusk eels, round rays (tan or dark brown),
pink seastars, a
midshipman fattie, assorted little
flat fish, baby
horn sharks,
squid, shrimp, scopion fish, and zooming schools of little silver fish. We meandered up the slope and back across the corduroyed sandy shelf. It was a great night for a dive, with excellent visibility, and a much warmer parking lot than our last Freezing experience here back in December. We didn't get to be bombarded by massive balls of squid, but we did enjoy seeing the eggs and many individual squidlets out and about on romantic missions.
Thank you, Frank, for an
Il Faut Aller Voir evening of diving fun!
Happy Valentines Day to all
