The Mighty Lexy FEBRUARY 2006 Dive Reports Thread

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Date: 02/07/2006
Dive Location:La Jennelle, Ventura County
Buddy(ies): solo
Time: 5:32pm
Bottom Time: 62min
Max Depth: 33ft
Vis: 12'-15'
Wave height: 0'-3'
Temp at depth: 51F
Surface Temp:59F
Gas mix: Air

Well, I didn't dive this last weekend due to a cold. I woke up Tuesday morning and was hurting to get wet. I thought about it all day at work and the urge was to strong to fight off until this weekend, so I went down to the local backup spot, put on the gear, stepped over a couple rocks and I was wet. I entered on the harbor side. the water was great! I decended down checked out the rocks and kelp area, then went out to the sand dollar beds. I came across a 2-3 ft halibut and a small one, about 3". Cute little guy! I then proceeded back to the rocks, and out to the point. Along the way, there were the usual critters, various bass, perch, garabaldi, and others. Out near the point, the vis started to drop and the surge was picking up. So I turned around and came back to my starting point. When I got back about half way, I seen a big dark blur, jet by, above and to the right of me. Hmm, a couple dives ago here, I seen a Blue Shark. Could it be another one? I stopped and waited to see if it came back. Then, out of no where, I was dive bombed by this big dark shape! almost hitting me from the side, then darting away. I went a couple feet to some kelp and waited! The next thing I seen was a big harbor seal dart in, right up to my mask, and bark bubbles at me. I almost lost my reg, I was laughing so hard. He stayed with me the remainder of the dive and surfaced with me, and stayed right by until I was packed up and left.

It felt good to be back in the water, again. I can't wait until this Sat. at the Wrinkles dive.
Date: February 8, 2006
Dive Location: Marineland
Buddy(ies): Solo
Time: 10:45
Bottom Time: 1:28
Max Depth: 67'
Vis: 0-4'
Wave height: 3-6'
Temp at depth: 55F
Surface Temp: 56F
Comments: New rule. If the waves are higher than the visibility, go for a walk instead. I had a vacation day from work so I slept in, then headed over to Marineland. I had the whole place to myself today.

The waves at the point looked pretty bad. So did the ones in the cove, but I figured I could handle them. I had an uneventful entry and surface swam all the way to the point. I neared the sand at 67' and could barely see it. I managed to find the usual cast of characters, including an egg-laying Cuthona divae nudi but the surge and poor vis made my photographic efforts look like a Kindergartener's crayon drawing. I slowly made my way back to the cove, finding quite a few lobsters walking around. I didn't see any of their big brothers though. The surf had picked up even more by the time I made it back to the cove. I floated behind the surf zone and at the first sign of a lull I ran as fast as I could on the uneven boulders in the surf zone. One last wave gave me a ride onto dry land. Thank you very much!
Poor vis, surge, surf entry/exit over boulders...still beats being at work today.
Rick and Phil.... Youse guyses are forces o' nachur!!!

Talk about jonesing for a dive! You're inspiring many of us, frightening a few, and providing useful examples for the rest :-)

Thanks for the fun reports while the rest of us slobs are working.
The vicarious fun brightened my day, honestly... Thanks!!!

Love the new rule: Vis must be greater than wave height.

I may have to write that in my wetnotes for ready reference!
Date: 2/9/06
Dive Location: North Crescent Bay, Laguna
Buddy(ies): Glycerin
Time: 8:05am
Bottom Time: 59 min
Max Depth: 45 fsw
Vis: 10-12 ft
Wave height: 1-2 ft
Surge: 1-3 ft
Temp at depth: 56 F
Surface Temp: N/A
Tide information: High, approx +5 ft
Gas mix: 21%

Comments: Enjoyed another fun dive before work. Hooked up with Josh at North Crescent early this morning. The weather conditions were absolutely perfect – sunny, clear, and light offshore winds. We entered the water approximately an hour and a half after a big high tide (+5.54ft). However, upon descending, we encountered fair visibility and some moderate surge conditions.

We took a slightly more westerly track out toward Seal Rock. Along the way, we encountered some really interesting structure. It was a little tricky swimming through some of the tighter crevices due to the surge . This was a very nice relaxed outbound leg. Saw plenty of cool marine life.

We took a slightly more outside path on the return trip. There was less surge, but slightly more current as the tide had began to drain. We ended up surfacing about 50 yards early.

Overall, this was another fun dive. I brought a camera this time. Here are a few pics :





La jolla Shores- Cabezon Cruiser
Time in 6:30pm
Surf: none
Depth 135ft
Bottom Time: 46mins
Temp: brr - see below!

Does anyone remember that old Leonard Cohen song?

"An eskimo showed me a movie he'd recently taken of you
the poor man could hardly stop shivering; his lips and his fingers were blue
I suppose that he froze when the wind took your clothes
and I guess he just just never got warm
but you stand there so nice in your blizzard of ice
oh, please let me come into your storm!

Well, I was that eskimo tonight! The ocean, she was beautiful, I could
see everything, but man, was she COLD!

Down we went to the alleged vicinity of the cuiser and surveyed the
moonscape for signs of wreckage; nuttin' was found. LIfe was there
aplenty, however, with horn sharks, guitar fish and lots of shrimps, as
well as a spotted dorid (triopha maculata) which Mike kindly presented
to me with a deft flip of the fin.
Further up the canyon wall. I came across a very remarkable creature.
The photos are all terrible because it was in an awkward hole but I have
put them up for someone to help with an ID.
I also got a terrible photo of what I think is a Dendronotus Frondosus,
but take a look and see if you agree.
For the rest; hermissendas, lots of crabs and rays, more sharks and
octopus jostling for elbow room with the shrimp.

What a great dive!

pics at:


Here's the mystery creature:
Date: 02/09/2006
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores/ Main Wall
Buddy(ies): Sean
Time: 06:55pm
Bottom Time: 55 minutes
Max Depth: 81ft
Vis: Solid 15ft with spots of 20 maybe
Wave height: 0-2, no power at al
Temp at depth: 54F
Surface Temp:55F
Tide information: Heavy flood
Gas mix: Air

Nice mellow dive with Sean. Can't complain about anything but the current running south and even that was manageable. The usual suspects out tonight which means no stubby squid but still and easy and relaxing dive. Managed a couple pictures and posted the link above. "The Shores" is going to be a zoo this weekend so I suggest you plan your dives elsewhere.






Date: Ferbruary 11, 2006
Dive Location: Near Headhunter Reef (Marineland Platform) and Buchanan's Reef
Buddy(ies): Jeff Shaw and Beth Overstreet
Time: 11:22
Bottom Time: 1:21 total
Max Depth: 62'
Vis: 6-8'
Wave height: 0-3'
Temp at depth: 54F
Comments: Ross-O took us out for a couple of fun dives this morning. Jeff and I haven't been able to find the platform off Marineland for months, so we thought using a boat with a nice fishfinder would make it easier. No luck. We did manage to get Beth back in the water with us, which is always fun. Since there was nothing to see other than sand, we surfaced early and headed over to Buchanan's Reef to look for nudibranchs and maybe a lobster or two. No bugs, but a few nudis. I surfaced in a ripping current and got to use my freakishly strong (as Ross says) legs to make a thirty minute plus surface swim to the boat, which had a fouled anchor. I huffed and puffed my way back, then caught my breath for a few minutes before freeing the anchor.
I had a great time, as always when diving with Ross, Beth and Jeff. Unfortunately, Ross has the cold that Jeff and I have just gotten over, so he played DM today. Thanks again Ross.





Great Wrinkles dive today, sure someone with pictures will post a report. Thanks for taking Lisa and myself out Christian. Love the structure out there.

For those who haven't seen the shark pics, at the end in the album in this report.
Great Wrinkles dive today, sure someone with pictures will post a report.
No pictures worth posting, but ... After two months of dives in the 53-54 F range, it was a pleasure to meter a balmy 59 F on the first dive of the morning (Divers Cove to Boat Canyon and back, 71 min run time, 38 ft max depth, vis roughly 10-15 ft, minimal surf but surgy throughout dive). My eyes must not have been attuned to the slugs (though we did run across a small sea hare) -- but there were three bat rays and a sheep crab to make up for it. Fun dive! I'm sorry that I couldn't have stayed around for more of the day.

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