Excellent to see you all. Fun show, cool hang. Lots or memorable moments....
* Head Hunter's patter with Susan Long as he was trying on every drysuit and undergarment in the place... Who knew?
* Wrinkles trying to find a drysuit small enough to fit... a problem we should all have!
* The new Halcyon HID - very nice design improvements. This is Ken rebuffing light envy :light:
* Judy Carlson's beads... I love her and I really love her stuff. Anazing artist. Unreal.
* Convincing the Diving Concepts guy that yes, you can put DC gloves on DUI Zip Seals. He said he was getting questions about this all weekend... we've covered this at length on SB.
* Seeing my friends at SSA, Reef Photo, Ikelite and others...
* Meeting Kelphelper's sister. She has a dessert necklace. I love her and want to run away with her.
* Dinner and hanging out with Robert Philips. Dangit, I don't spend enough time with that guy.
Lots of funny stuff over dinner. Lots of old friends. Lots of new friends. Many thanks to all of the SoCals that made it to the show and made time to get together for Lunch and Dinner.