The Lake Lanier Looney Bird Divers

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The Kraken

He Who Glows in the Dark Waters (ADVISOR)
ScubaBoard Supporter
Scuba Instructor
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Roswell/Alpharetta, GA
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
OK, all of my fellow Looney Birds !!!

After serious contemplation, I have come to the considered that we must be completely looney for diving 43 degree waters in wet suits.

I therefore put forth that, henceforth and forever more, we refer to ourselves as the Lake Lanier Looney Bird Diving Club.

. . . you know who you are!

I have begun to have serious doubts about my sanity. :bonk:

The K
Most people figure I am nuts for diving Lanier in the first place, much less diving wet in 43 degree water. We may as well make it official with a fitting name, and Lanier Looney Birds has a nice ring to it.

The Kraken:
...we must be completely looney for diving 43 degree waters in wet suits...

Yea and any colder I think I'm going to have to move up to a 7mil wetsuit!

The Kraken:
I therefore put forth that, henceforth and forever more, we refer to ourselves as the Lake Lanier Looney Bird Diving Club.

. . . you know who you are!

I have begun to have serious doubts about my sanity. :bonk:

The K

This Looney Bird is looking to dive again this weekend at our West Bank Park Paradise.

BTW, did the different coves get named yet?

Nope, couldn't find a detail map of the park.

I'll try to remember to ask the little old lady gatekeeper on my next visit if one is available.
"Yea and any colder I think I'm going to have to move up to a 7mil wetsuit!"

. . . I figured that Lycra skin was getting kinda thin in 43 degrees . . . :frosty:
Hey, guys, I acquired a good image of WBP and have made copies for you guys. I've given some areas tentative names.
I'll try to get some points established so we can get some grid co-ordinates established.
Anyone diving tomorrow. Looks like rain early morning and then no rain for the rest of the day. Possibly could get 1 dive in around noon.

On a "whim" Jesse and I went out Sat. Very overcast day the sun was hiding all morning long. We entered into the water about 12:30pm and dove to 25' were we were freezing. In true Looney bird fashion I was wearing my 5mm with nothing under but some shorts. I made it for about 30 min before giving my brother ye old. I'M COLD!!! signal. I called the dive then because I was too cold. My computer read 44F but it felt alot colder. I really didn't get warm until Sunday morning.
Okay...No more diving Lanier in 40 something deg. water without getting that "Semi-Dry" 7mm that I keep procrastinating on.

Remember, 30 min diving in 44F water beats having to hang around the house and clean or do yard work.

Well I was hoping to do a dive this Sunday, 2/27, but just checked the weather site and it looks like cold and rainy. I guess I will have to wait until the 12th at the jetties to dive again. It sure would be nice to have weather on the weekend like we had today and yesterday.

How is you ear doing Matt?

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