Dove Vortex when I came up I could have set my watch by the afternoon thunderstorms.
Lights were off in the tunnel, anyone know if there is a porblem with them or were they just off,...maybe turned off with the in bound thunderstorms. I asked a guy at 64' that fallowed me in the tunnel and heaad said,..they have lights down here?
I asked the gal at the desk if they were seliling Vortex, she looked away, a errr, hmmm ,.. you'lll have to ask Jackie. Jackies daugther seemed a little upset, stating that her grandfather would not trust her with the information.
I have been in the building, construction and contract business for a long time. I have learned not to get excited with promises, even signed contracts in work. Only when the final check is in the bank and has cleared.
My response to her was,..that's a yes,..other wise it would have been a simple no! Not wanting to discuss or make public an information or details makes me believe that whet ever is in the works,..the people who en joy Vortex are not going to like it. Otherwise a simple public statement would kill a lot of rumors.
FMC and the state of florida does keep a close eye on the spring,...We need to keep an eye out for public items,. i.e. hearings on rezoning.