Pay very close attention to this. You aren't getting recommendations as much as you are getting people looking for validation of their preferred choices. Most of the people not recommending things have never stayed at the place and just lump non-equal things together.
I stay at an AI that has great grounds, great pool and decent food. I get picked up at the dock each morning by my favorite op. We are back to the hotel by noon. Chill at the resort all day. If we feel like like eating in town we just get a taxi. I'm not even going to bother naming my favorite AI because I will get shouted down by the townies.
I am headed there in June with my whole family because my daughter as her graduation present asked to go to Cozumel and bring a friend. I can guarantee that would not be happening if we stayed in town.
Take home message: make sure you get recommendations from people that share your values and travel preferences.
Obviously I’m a fan of the Casa Mexicana / 3P’s combo. However, after 20 years or so of diving the island and talking to lots of people who do the various AI options, from everything I have heard and broken down based on overall cost (because I was tempted to go the AI route at one point). The place I would go AI is the Hotel Cozumel and Resort. I’d book their AI option but I would dive 3P’s and be picked up and dropped off right in front of the resort for free by 3P’s. I’ve seen so many picked up there along the way to the marina and they all love the AI but obviously chose not to dive with its on-site dive op.
From what hear it has good food, the largest pool on the island and its private beach club that right across the street is supposedly great. Also, adding on the full AI option is so reasonable and because the property is so close to town that people staying there doesn’t feel like they are leaving money on the table if they walk it or cab it to town for some meals out.
Maybe others who have stayed there recently can comment but from what I’m told it’s the best AI for the price if you want an AI experience that doesn’t break the bank and offers more freedom than the southern AI’s that may as well be remote, land based cruise ships where high taxi fares to town and back can tend to lock people in.