The continuing sagas of the Blue Heron Bridge

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You got some really sweet shots, stink!
8:42 AM high tide tomorrow. Wish I knew this before I just drank a couple beers and it's already 10 PM!!
hmm 1 hr drive, get there an hour before high tide to gear up and go in..
nope not gonna happen leaving here at 6:30 tomorrow am...
me thinks I will be there! Slept well. Got up early without the aid of an alarm clock. Critters fed. Gear packed. Life is good. Hope to see a few folks up there.
Sorry, I fly today. Dennis and Roxanne are here and we all fly out this afternoon. the camera equipment is packed away... Enjoy
Sorry I missed you this morning. There were so many divers there! Awesome dive though! Lots of cool stuff!
A distrubing situation happened today. A friend reported she witnessed a snorkeler returning to the bottom from close to the surface with a seahorse in his hand!!!!. She said she swam over to the seahorse & guarded it so they wouldn't return. She said the animal was gasping for breath but after awhile recovered & began to swim around & forage for food.
All I can say is it is a good thing I didn't see that happen. I did witness 2 girls wearing yellow/ green vests as they were snorkeling & I believe the other one was with them. Don't know if it was the same people but those were the only ones I saw.

Other than that it was a great day at BHB as lots of old friends were there today.
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Poor thing!
A distrubing situation happened today. A friend reported she witnessed a snorkeler returning to the bottom from close to the surface with a seahorse in his hand!!!!. She said she swam over to the seahorse & guarded it so they wouldn't return. She said the animal was gasping for breath but after awhile recovered & began to swim around & forage for food.
All I can say is it is a good thing I didn't see that happen. I did witness 2 girls wearing yellow/ green vests as they were snorkeling & I believe the other one was with them. Don't know if it was the same people but those were the only ones I saw.

Other than that it was a great day at BHB as lots of old friends were there today.

If you see something like this, you should report it to either FWC, PB sheriff or the life guards and they will call FWC or the sheriff. The area is a no take zone and what you described is pretty darn close to taking. At least, they'll learn for the next time.

The authorities there are pretty diver friendly. Just prior to the east span being closed, I was diving there with two buds and one snorkeler two guys fishing from the bridge were throwing rocks at us and hit the snorkeler we reported it to the lifeguard who called the sheriff. The sheriff talked to the fisherman, not sure what was said but both of them left in handcuffs.
Awesome dive though! Lots of cool stuff!

I agree that it was a nice dive today: saw this guy near the boat channel wall. I have been having a few problems with my camera so these are the best shots I got today. This was a fairly good sized mantis shrimp (at least thats what I think it is): the hole had a two inch diameter. These things look like some alien creature from a cheap sci fi movie





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