The continuing sagas of the Blue Heron Bridge

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Anybody planning BHB today? 4:16P High tide...
Time to go diving... find some more of these...


... and work on camera settings

What's the story with the "Is it me, or does this move seem a little risky?" photo.

It looks as though the nudi is either floating just in front of the Scorpionfish or awkwardly there not of it's own making? The underside that it would usually attach with and move with is up and unattached.

Was it still getting frisky with another? Was this photo-shopped? Or was it moved from it's original spot by current or something else?

Just wondering if you know how that came to be as it looks really strange?

What's the story with the "Is it me, or does this move seem a little risky?" photo.

It looks as though the nudi is either floating just in front of the Scorpionfish or awkwardly there not of it's own making? The underside that it would usually attach with and move with is up and unattached.

Was it still getting frisky with another? Was this photo-shopped? Or was it moved from it's original spot by current or something else?

Just wondering if you know how that came to be as it looks really strange?
It crossed the Scorpionfish face (on the scorpionfish face) and then backtracked the other way... all the time the Scorpionfish never made a move to take its lunch...

I can only assume that the Scorpionfish doesn't like slug... But... It makes for a cool pic....

While I take 200 pictures to produce 20... here is one that should put the one you question in prospective... even though it is not one I would normally produce...


This was one of the photos I was attempting during Saturday's dive... It is unfortunate I didn't capture it well, and even more unfortunate I need to show it as something I have photographed...
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Thanks for the explanation and the second pic. I was just trying to figure out how that came to be. I didn't know if you photoshopped it as kind of a joke and took me in gullably. The second shot really makes it look like it drifted/fell across his face.

Eaither their friends or you're right...the Scorpionfish just doesn't care for nudis.
FANTASTIC photos! This is the best mating sequence I have ever seen!! This just blows me away! You really captured all the action. Now, did you mark the spot for me? Did you find them under the boats? "The nudi lady" wants to know.....Anne

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