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here in cold murky, current swept California, a SMB is absolutely mandatory, along with a compass. I will soon be switching to a Halcyon 80 lb lift bag stowed along my backplate for certain dives though.

BTW, i learned the hard way what it's like to be drifting 2000 feet from the boat without a signaling device some time ago off the coast of Borneo. T'wasn't fun, and i bought the sausage barely 24 hours after i got back to the states.
There is a whisle atached to the BCD but it isn't very laud. I own a safety sausage (some 4 ft) and used it mostly in Palay where they are madatory (It's a loooooong drift to Indonesia). These days I'll only use in local waters if we are not carring a surface buyo and that will be on deeper wrecks which I don't do very often.

Furthermore, I'm doing a CMAS *** education at the moment were dive leading and checkin of the divers gear are a part. Similar to the PADI body-check. When you do that check you should also check for appropiate signalling device!

I've never had either, though I realize that I'm at risk. So, inspired by this post I just bought a loud whistle and I'll order a sausage ASAP.

Thanks Posters,


I carry a sausage and whistle, both attached to my BC.
Last year, a research solo diver (collecting sponges off Port Vila, Vanuatu) surfaced some 1km from the boat and was unable to attract the captain's attention. Two hours later, just as a search plane was airborne, the captain found the diver (now less tank!) a further 3kms away in the deep blue Pacific Ocean!!!
I know this may be obvious to some, but when buying a whistle, make sure it has a plastic "pea" inside it rather then a cork one. I had a shop sale person try to sell me one with a cork, and didn't realize that the cork would swell in the water rendering it useless.
I would also go for the high pitched ones. They cost more, but when my hubby tried his cheaper one, it didn't carry more then a few feet.

I have my whistle clipped to my front dive suit zipper, so that I have it weather I am diving or snorkeling. In fact, everyone who has seen pics from my hubby's and my trip to Key West, always remark about the whistles.

As for the tank bonker, I find it, or another method for knocking on your tank useful to get people's attention. -Starfish

the necessity of one depends on your dive area.

i always have a whistle and beyond that i carry whatever is appropriate for the dive.
Got the storm whistle because they say you could hear it under water. Well maybe. Haven't been to any place that a sausage would do me any good so I dont have one YET.
Someone mentioned signaling mirrors.....

If carrying a mirror sounds like a good idea to you, here's a recycling tip you can use....

Before you run out to purchase a signal mirror (or mug your local boy scout), consider re-using one of those old AOL 7.0 CD's. The shiney side is perfect for reflecting sunlight, and you can even look through the hole to aim the reflection!
I'm a new diver, and I'll admit I don't have any signaling devices. I've only dove twice in the ocean, and I was a little nervous about not being able to find the anchor line when it was time to start heading up. Fortunately, by buddy knew right where it was. So I signed up for the navigation class and will get a sausage, whistle, and some other stuff soon. I won't go back out in that big ocean without again!

It's funny that they didn't cover signaling devices in the OW class :eek:. And they did very little navigation...

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