I'd go with some of the above. With only a few dives and starting on the basic courses forget a computer at all. Get used to cutting tables on a PC and following those. Its something most people do and something you'll need to do in some shape or form as a backup as well.
Blindly following a computer isnt good - it can be wrong, it can stop working and letting the computer work your deco DOESNT mean you have enough gas to complete the dive (or a lost deco gas plan or any other contingencies).
Eventually after a few years of self-cut tables if you decide you still need a trimix multi-gas computer then consider an X1, shearwater, VR3 or whatever but not before.
Get used to diving and the discipline required to strictly adhere to run times and not relying on a computer.
Blindly following a computer isnt good - it can be wrong, it can stop working and letting the computer work your deco DOESNT mean you have enough gas to complete the dive (or a lost deco gas plan or any other contingencies).
Eventually after a few years of self-cut tables if you decide you still need a trimix multi-gas computer then consider an X1, shearwater, VR3 or whatever but not before.
Get used to diving and the discipline required to strictly adhere to run times and not relying on a computer.