I use AI and I always use an SPG with hose as well.
After hundreds of dives with AI computers, have I seen AI fail on a dive? Only when I'm using a metal detector. The coil from the metal detector seems to interfere with the transmission of the wireless signal.
Do I use AI on Tech dives? Sure why not? Technical recreational dives are still Sport Dives... They are for fun. To me (and by definition), a tech dive or a reef dive is just a fun dive (sport dive), so what the difference. More than likely, I dive doubles or a redundant system on a technical dive, so I put an SPG on one tank, and my AI on another tank, and there you go. I also configure my AI transmitter so that it's below the manifold, and less at risk to get bunked on something.
With a ten-transmitter AI set-up, how do I know which tank goes with which read-out on my computer? I ask in all seriousness, since I've never used a computer that could track more than one transmitter. Do you have to number the tanks, or assign each gas a transmitter code before diving, or what? In the event of a gas-management problem, is the AI computer going to add stress because you can't do something as simple as look at the SPG attached to a tank?
The AI computer will tell you pressure for Tank #2, 3, etc.
But in all seriousness... Putting additional AI transmitters on your deco bottles is a bit much IMO, but even still... If you suck your deco bottle dry, you planned your dive poorly, or you switch to one of the other gasses you have on you and finish your dive... yes?
I generally use the AI on my back gas only, just for the convenience of having the pressure readout on my wrist with everything else I frequently check it's super easy that way. A deco bottle is right in front of you anyway, and the SPG should also be almost in vision range at any time when you're decoing out... yes?