So I have a couple of questions for those who use AI in their tech diving:
1. If you are using a computer originally purchased for recreational diving and are using it for tech diving in gauge mode, would you have bought the computer new for that purpose (which is understandable), or would you have instead gone with a bottom timer and spg?
2. If you are using an AI computer with all functions operating for deep or prolonged air/nitrox diving with decompression on different gases, did you purchase the computer for that purpose, or was it one you already had been using for recreational purposes?
3. If you are using an AI computer with all functions operating for deep or prolonged air/nitrox diving with decompression on different gases, do you plan to get trimix training in the future, and, if so, will you be getting a new computer when you do?
4. If you feel AI is valuable for one gas, why is it not valuable for the other gases? If it is not valuable for the other gases, why is it valuable for the first one?