You make a good point.
While straight O2 is incredible there are serious side issues.
Straight Oxygen is a fickle beast and does not give any leeway.
Plus, it has depth restrictions.
Where 50% is earlier to jump onto and you can ride it longer.
I think at this point we should start watching our shifts in nitrogen also. This is more of a trimix issue but still good to start watching- I dont want to get a Nitrogen shift or slam in my ears.
Presently, I am passing on diving below 100 ft until the vis clears up.
Not enough reward for the problems.
I'm also not passing into the depths until it clears up, current plan is to dive down to the best vis weather that be 30 feet 50 feet or 80 feet or whatever and ride it out, I dive deep for the vis down there, if its not down there, neither am I.
I also dive 50% as a single deco gas for lakes for the reasons stated above.