Taxi Mafia

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Comparing a 10:1 exchange rate that taxi drivers use to shark finning? Really?

Hey its their country and their culture and tourists shouldn't tell them what to do as they need to feed their families and cover expenses, etc, etc! (hyperbole, making the point since Homer...)

I got your attention! :) I bet you said, "I am so DONE with that taxi thread...."

---------- Post added July 14th, 2013 at 09:54 PM ----------

By the by, I meant the Simpsons, not that Greek guy....

Comparing a 10:1 exchange rate that taxi drivers use to shark finning? Really?

Yeah, I had a little problem with that as well. It's not like the Chinese Fisherman publicize to the sharks their intent to cut off their fins, and then give them a choice once the sharks get on the boat -- "Do you want to be released with or without your fins still attached?"

Because that is the choice given to every cab user on Cozumel -- "Would you like to pay in Pesos and pay the posted rate, or do you want to pay in Dollars at what would normally be a very bad exchange rate?" You may not LIKE the exchange rate, you might think it is UNFAIR or "DISHONEST" or a "SCAM", but you have a CHOICE - get your Pesos somewhere else where you like the exchange rate better! Since everyone has this CHOICE, and has the power and ability to avoid an exchange rate of 10-1, its time to assume some responsibility and exercise control. If you don't like the 10-1 exchange rate, the DO SOMETHING to AVOID it and QUIT BITCHING!
If you don't like the 10-1 exchange rate, the DO SOMETHING to AVOID it

Never was a problem for me personally. I also don't eat shark fin soup. My virility is fine. Still I think it is a bad thing and I talk about it too. Should I stop? Not like I can do anything.


So taxi drivers are allowed to use a lousy exchange rate to take advantage of unsuspecting tourists visiting La Isla, but I can't talk about? If you don't care about, you could QUIT READING. Really, I am beginning to worry about people raising their blood pressure about people talking calmly about it. :stirpot:

People are getting way too worked up about not being excited about being taking advantage of for such small, meaningless amounts.
Because that is the choice given to every cab user on Cozumel -- "Would you like to pay in Pesos and pay the posted rate, or do you want to pay in Dollars at what would normally be a very bad exchange rate?" You may not LIKE the exchange rate, you might think it is UNFAIR or "DISHONEST" or a "SCAM", but you have a CHOICE - get your Pesos somewhere else where you like the exchange rate better! Since everyone has this CHOICE, and has the power and ability to avoid an exchange rate of 10-1, its time to assume some responsibility and exercise control. If you don't like the 10-1 exchange rate, the DO SOMETHING to AVOID it and QUIT BITCHING!

Sounds good, except there is almost never a posted rate, the rare place a posted rate is available is at the cruise ship terminal and sometimes a hotel here or there might post a chalk board with some rates on it to popular destinations in their lobby. Other than that, 99% of the time there is no posted rates. Ask a taxi driver for a rate card and you'll most likely be given a shrug and a confused look. The 10:1 exchange rate is also almost always a compete surprise, as it's not posted and not discussed or volunteered. Unless as has been said many times by the experienced on this thread, unless a tourist knows what to ask and why prior to getting into the cab, they are basically blind and ignorant to the rates and the exchange until they arrive at their destination.

So saying it's a choice give to every cab rider in Cozumel... well...not really, not unless you're informed and experienced.
Why stop there? Let's compare it to nuclear annihilation or the Holocaust. :D

I can't beleive that you are comparing shark finning to nuclear annihilation or the Holocaust!:nuke: There are limits to hyperbole.....:ijs:

And I think you may have just qualified this thread for Godwin's law.
Never was a problem for me personally. I also don't eat shark fin soup. My virility is fine. Still I think it is a bad thing and I talk about it too. Should I stop? Not like I can do anything.

So taxi drivers are allowed to use a lousy exchange rate to take advantage of unsuspecting tourists visiting La Isla, but I can't talk about? If you don't care about, you could QUIT READING. Really, I am beginning to worry about people raising their blood pressure about people talking calmly about it. :stirpot:

People are getting way too worked up about not being excited about being taking advantage of for such small, meaningless amounts.

The old saying rings true, if it is free we are not having this conversation

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