Tank filling question

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but I would be more concerned with the dew point and quality of what was pumped and have a real problem with shops and their understanding of compressor maint let alone their tank monkey.
Agreed. I could never understand this in that document.
The RATE of cooling has no impact on condensation formation. This is dependent solely on humidity, temperature, and to a much lesser degree, impurities that will form a condensation nucleus.

If my tank is going to form condensation from being filled in a 70-degree water bath for 10 minutes, then it's going to form condensation from sitting in my garage at 70 degrees overnight, and from jumping into 60 degree water.

If there's no water in the air, it's not going to appear on the tank walls. If there is, then it will when the temp drops below the dew point, regardless of how fast.

A couple of shops in the Los Angeles area used to actually run refrigerated systems for their fill-bin cooling water.

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