Tampa Bay area Divers, Part 2.

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No big finds, but we had tons of fun! Viz was about 4 - 6 inches with spots of zero viz. Near the surface viz improved to about 1 foot. I believe everyone (except me) went home with teeth, although no one went home with many. My buddies were Jay & Kim from Colorado. We stayed down for 50 minutes and had a grand time watching the baby Searobins and tiny crabs.
No big finds, but we had tons of fun! Viz was about 4 - 6 inches with spots of zero viz. Near the surface viz improved to about 1 foot. I believe everyone (except me) went home with teeth, although no one went home with many. My buddies were Jay & Kim from Colorado. We stayed down for 50 minutes and had a grand time watching the baby Searobins and tiny crabs.

Walter, I am glad you went home with all of your teeth still in tact :D :D :D :rofl2:
Time to get this thread back on track!

Spent the weekend finishing the maintenance work on the "Wake". The old lass is ready to go, and I'm all set to head out this Friday (4/14). Including myself, I think I have 3 of 6 spots open. Who wants to go diving???

Frogman_5, what site are you going to hit ??

BTW, I'm still planning on going out this Wednsday and Saturday for anyone interested.
Wednsday probably Veterans reef - backup plan is spring diving
Saturday probably Sheridan - backup plan is spring diving
Normally, I like to go out early, but since I'm tied up 'til Friday morning, I'm thinking getting the boat moving 9:30 - 10 am. Gives me some time to clean up a few things and fuel up. I'm guessing you're 1.5 hour drive or so from me. If you're in, PM me and I'll get you the details.

Time to get this thread back on track!

Spent the weekend finishing the maintenance work on the "Wake". The old lass is ready to go, and I'm all set to head out this Friday (4/14). Including myself, I think I have 3 of 6 spots open. Who wants to go diving???


Frogman, I may have had a change of plans. Looks as though my buddy is blowing me off for Spiegal Grove :( Sad but true. If this is the case, and you still have room, I'm there.

I drove to Ft lauderdale this past weekend. Did the Castor - nice dive - lots of SB-ers there.
Hello Rich, I'm up for a spot if still available.. I'm just back on the board after being away for quite a long time - not sure if my private messages are working or not. Located in Bradenton. (And Hello to Walter, it's been a while...)

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