Suunto Software

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I ´m working on a piece of software for connect my mosquito to the Mac.
I use one modified Roli's PC Interface for working on Mac, (is posible the Jamiei interface also work).
I connect with a program develop by a friend of mine. This program dump the data in the same format as Vyperlink developed by Andreas Beck for Linux, and after this convert de dump to udcf with the vyper2udcf program also by Andreas Beck, modified and recompiled for OSX.
All of this is launched from the base program developed in Filemaker and various plugins and act as Dive log.
This project is in develop stage at this moment
I want finish a release in a few weeks
I need the cable that runs from the viper to my computer so i can down load my dives anyone know a cheaper way to go then the one hundred and something that the dive shops want for it
You can build one yourself (there are instructions around somewhere) or ask jamiei.
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...One feature id like to see is the ability to export the profile depth v time figures as a CSV file so i can edit in excel or another spreadsheet. So far ive only found a dive summary export option...

Try clicking File -> Export -> ASCII in CSV Format. Type in a [Filename] and select the destination directory. Four CSV files will be created with names:
[Filename].csv - The dive summary data
[Filename]$PRO.csv - The profile data
[Filename]$NOT.csv - Dive notes
[Filename]$DGE.csv - Mine is empty - any ideas what this file is supposed to contain?

Column N in [Filename].csv is the sample period. The data in [Filename]$PRO.csv is stored sequentially, so a macro could be written (in your spreadsheet package of choice) to use the value in column N to generate timestamps for each Profile value in the profile data spreadsheet. You could also do it manually, of course.

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...If anyone knows how to export graphs as .csv or to turn a dive printout (the page that you get if you print a dive) into a nice HTML file id like to know...

The above steps will give you the profile data, which you could display as an X-Y graph. Just remember to invert the Y-axis (depth).

The website you supplied a link to has a piece of software for converting your logbook to HTML. It is template-based, so you can customise the output. I haven't tinkered yet, but it looks promising. The profile graph picture is a bit small though.

Bunny's Suunto Logbook to HTML

Hope this helps.


Ahh. Id seen those files but due to the $ in them had guessed they were temp files created by SDM - didnt realise they were still there.

Im looking at the PRO.csv and struggling to make sense of it though.

My computer is set on 10 second sampling and the dive was exactly 30 minutes.

The spreadsheet CSV has 1216 rows however.

Columns go from A to O but only A B and C have data in them.

A started with number 8 and has roughly 180 rows of the same before going ont 9 and repeating continuing until reach 170 rows of "13" at the end.

Column B starts at 1 and goes 2,3,4,5,6 etc and so on until reaching between 180 and 240 corresponding to the number in A before resetting when A increments.

Column C is the only one i can make out and thats clearly depth.

Im confused how to convert this into a graph, with 10 second sampling rate and exactly 30 mins logged i should be looking at 30*6 data points (180) not 1216.

Any idea what im missing ?

EDIT:- OK so im an idiot, i thought with the CSV export it was exporting 1 dive not the entire logbook. The numbers now make sense :)
Glad you figured it out :D

I also can't see why they needed to export the extra columns of zero's. They probably wanted to allow for future expansion of dive computer information logging (temperature, visibility(!), bearing, latitude, longitude, ?, ?, etc...) while using the same format.


Hmm a computer that exported visibility, lat/long, temperature, bearing would eliminate the need to actually do the dive in the first place :)

Im wondering if the vytec exports the current gas mix % (as it can change during a dive) so may explain some of the columns.
As for the others...No idea !

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