Suunto Gekko - Dive Download ????

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I'm at work, but let me see if I can remember this off the top of my head.

1: Plug your cable into your Gekko.
2: Power your Gekko up
3: Plug cable into your computer.
4: Your computer should give you some "New Hardware Detected" message. Cancel this.
5: Launch the Gekko2Vyper program.
6: Use whatever com port that will work. It will give you an error if you have the wrong port selected. Something along the lines of "Device not Found".
7: Once the Gekko2Vyper program converts the Gekko, you'll be good to go. Follow the first three steps, and launch SDM instead of Gekko2Vyper to read your computer.

I hope I got those in the right order!
Thank you for all your help. Which Suunto Dive Manager do I use on Suunto's site? This site is great.
How many have the Suunto Gekko? How many are tired of Suunto telling you you can't download profiles from a Gekko? Well You can! The data is in there the SDM just won't get it out.

Here's a program that enables the Gekko for downloading! The only change it makes is to fool the SDM into thinking it's talking to a Vyper. You can switch back and forth if it bothers you to have a AC/DC computer on you :wink: Free Stuff/
can't get the link to open on a live page
the link seems broken ... is there a new download site? If not, can someone forward me the program? (kingpazer at gmail dot com)
Ok, I got an interface cable and did everything everyone said to do. I tried both ports and put my Gekko in PC mode. I still get the message "interface not detected". Can anyone help? Am I doing something wrong. Thanks for everyones help
I am currently trying to use a USB interface, should I be using the serial interface cable? Thanks again.
Is your Gekko turned on and in the PC mode? That would be the easiest solution! :)
Yes it is turned on and in the PC mode. I am thinking I need the serial cable and not the USB cable. I am looking for a USB adapter for the interface that would take it from USB to serial port. Thanks all again. Hope this will work and if anyone comes up with anything please write, Jim

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