Suunto Gekko - Dive Download ????

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Yes, the sampling can be changed to 10 second intervals. Yes, it works. Also, really no need to erase the memory (you can); just don't DL those dives.
Mikhail Frenkel:
is it possible to erase all the previous information from Gekko's memory in case I buy a slightly used computer? if so, which program do I use?
I believe the program listed at the website above called DCeraser (Suunto eraser) does this

Yes. The program clears the logbooks of both my Gekko and my Cobra.
I noticed something today, while Installing this on my new Gekko. I got the "Could not detect the interface" error on all three com ports, but, when I ran the SDM, I was able to download my dives. Somehow, it went through unnoticed.

I'm using the USB cable off e-bay, if that makes any difference.

Great program!

Edited: Where do you change your sampling to 10 seconds? I'd love to do this.
I used the DC Eraser program and it removed "most" of the dives from the computers log (some of the dives remained in the computer's log but doesn't show up if you try to down load to SDM). Also, the next dive after erasing the log did not register on the computer but the second dive did register (example: Dive 1, we did a dive to 70 ft. for 32 min. which did not log and Dive 2, we went to 30 ft. for 42 min. which did show on the computers log). This happened on 2 Cobras, 1 Vyper and 1 Gekko. I don't know if this happens just when you erase the log memory because this is the only time I used the eraser program and I haven't used the computers since.
I used the DC Eraser program and it removed "most" of the dives from the computers log (some of the dives remained in the computer's log but doesn't show up if you try to down load to SDM). Also, the next dive after erasing the log did not register on the computer but the second dive did register (example: Dive 1, we did a dive to 70 ft. for 32 min. which did not log and Dive 2, we went to 30 ft. for 42 min. which did show on the computers log). This happened on 2 Cobras, 1 Vyper and 1 Gekko. I don't know if this happens just when you erase the log memory because this is the only time I used the eraser program and I haven't used the computers since.
You attempted to erase the logs on all of those computers? And none of them recorded the next dive after that? Whoa... not good. :shakehead:

I assume they appeared to be functioning fine though during the "first" dive after the erase attempt, right? :confused4
You attempted to erase the logs on all of those computers? And none of them recorded the next dive after that? Whoa... not good. :shakehead:

I assume they appeared to be functioning fine though during the "first" dive after the erase attempt, right? :confused4
I have erased the log from one computer before and I didn't "notice" any problem. They functioned fine during the first dive, they just didn't log the that dive for some reason.:confused:
And you tried the erase program on all of those computers you mentioned above?
Yes, like I said, I have used it before on one computer and I didn't notice any problem. The reason I erased them was because it was taking too long to down load the to SDM. I am going to try and dive them tomorrow (if the weather permits) so I will see if it was just the first dive after erasing or if it fails to log any other dives.
Keep us posted. I've also noted that the download speed is terribly slow and was thinking how long it was going to take when I have many many dives logged in my Vyper. The erase program would be good to use for that reason alone, but I don't want to risk being able to download even one new logged dive.
This is awesome! you know it had to have that port for some reason, they always told us it was for "factory use" Good Job, I'm sure a lot of people are very thankful for this.

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