Suunto Gekko - Dive Download ????

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AFAIK, even with the hack, no gauge mode for the Gekko, short of bending it. If you need a gauge, look at the Vyper. Otherwise, stick with the cheaper Gekko.
Dude, that is awesome!

*Edit* -- Worked with my Gekko and my Suunto serial cable (using a USB/serial adapter).
Which COM port is your usb-serial cable on? Mine is COM4 but the SDM only seems to know about COM1 so it doesn't find the USB-serial port. I guess this is really a PC related question but I hope you might be able to help me out.
I've just read through almost all the posts and still have a question, as I wait for my new Gekko to arrive.

Can selected dives be erased out of the memory on the Gekko, or just all of them at once?
I've just read through almost all the posts and still have a question, as I wait for my new Gekko to arrive.

Can selected dives be erased out of the memory on the Gekko, or just all of them at once?

I don't believe dives can be erased. Old dives just get bumped out.
Hi All,

New to the forum, cracked the download bit for the gekko - CHEERS!!!

Has anybody found that when a dive is downloaded into SDM the simulated computer screen shows that you have a deco obligation and the tissue saturation graph shows over 100% in some segments - even though the gekko didn't show any of this during the dive - only required a 3 minute safety stop??

Cheers again.

Is there a new link for the software? The link in the original post doesn't work anymore.
hi all,
i've been reading this thread for a while. I'm seriously considering buying Gekko and I have a few specific questions with regards to the programs and would appreciate it anyone could find some time clarifying things for me:
(1) i'm using MAC so i won't be using Suunto dive manager. There is a software available for Macs ( that is compatible with Gekko (at least that's what they claim). From my understanding, I don't need the program mentioned in this thread since it only works with Suunto DM. is it correct?
(2) is it possibly to change the sampling rate of Gekko using this program? has anyone tried it? i believe, Gekko is made with 30 sec sampling rate. i'd like to change it to 10 sec. if yes, which of the programs should I use?
(3) is it possible to erase all the previous information from Gekko's memory in case I buy a slightly used computer? if so, which program do I use?
(4) I understand that changing sampling rate and deleting previous dives from Gekko is done through firmware. Does anyone know by any chance how does it affect warranty?
(5) I know that the programs work with Windows OS, so i'd have to use a PC to make all the changes, which is fine, but would it work afterwords with my MAC?
Thank you very much
I'll pitch in here.

1. I think the issue with SDM and the Gekko is as you describe, only affects that combination of software and hardware. I believe other software packages can address the memory in the Gekko without a problem.

2. I have changed the Gekko to 10 second sampling via SDM, but have yet to verify that it actually "took" by diving with it and checking the log.

3. I believe the program listed at the website above called DCeraser (Suunto eraser) does this.

4. If there is a warranty issue with your Gekko, change the settings back to original before you send it in. It's very unlikely that you'll have any problem caused by the software changes themselves. This actually brings up a good question. If a third party program just reads the memory on the Gekko, there would be no warranty issues at all. However, the program we use to make the Gekko work with SDM changes a bit in the Gekko's memory. This could affect warranty coverage. Therefore, if there is concern about this, perhaps we'd be better off using the third party program instead.

5. Dunno

Mikhail Frenkel:
hi all,
i've been reading this thread for a while. I'm seriously considering buying Gekko and I have a few specific questions with regards to the programs and would appreciate it anyone could find some time clarifying things for me:
(1) i'm using MAC so i won't be using Suunto dive manager. There is a software available for Macs ( that is compatible with Gekko (at least that's what they claim). From my understanding, I don't need the program mentioned in this thread since it only works with Suunto DM. is it correct?
(2) is it possibly to change the sampling rate of Gekko using this program? has anyone tried it? i believe, Gekko is made with 30 sec sampling rate. i'd like to change it to 10 sec. if yes, which of the programs should I use?
(3) is it possible to erase all the previous information from Gekko's memory in case I buy a slightly used computer? if so, which program do I use?
(4) I understand that changing sampling rate and deleting previous dives from Gekko is done through firmware. Does anyone know by any chance how does it affect warranty?
(5) I know that the programs work with Windows OS, so i'd have to use a PC to make all the changes, which is fine, but would it work afterwords with my MAC?
Thank you very much
1. I think the issue with SDM and the Gekko is as you describe, only affects that combination of software and hardware. I believe other software packages can address the memory in the Gekko without a problem.
That is correct. The only reason SDM doesn't work with the Gekko is because it asks "What kind of computer are you?" and if it hears "I'm a Gekko!" it says, more or less, "Oh, I don't converse with Gekkos." If your software doesn't have the prejudice, the Gekko's more than willing to converse.

(The Gekko download patch just sticks a "HELLO, My Name Is: Vyper" sticker over the Gekko's name tag. SDM accepts the computer at its word and converses.)

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