In which community? On scubaboard, I'd say yes, very much so. In the wider dive community, it is newer, so not all embrace it, or think it is such a great idea....

Look at the various threads on 'primary donate', 'necklaced secondary'. There are advantages to each of those aspects of it. The long hose setup is a version of this suited for diving in restrictions, or where more length after donating might make life a bit easier.
As Ken alludes to, how well your buddies can respond to a change in which reg you might give them plays into it.
The most recent debate on this is likely this thread:
Alec Pierce Scuba - Long Hose Good or Bad
If you separate out the long hose bit from the 'primary donate' 'necklace secondary' parts. It is worth a read, as it seemed to go over the typical talking points from the various sides.