See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Rather than discussing how the situation will be (or was) dealt with, you seem to be downplaying it as if it was no big deal. That's the problem.
U.S. issues alert after tourist ferry explosion in Mexico
Maybe you missed it, but another operator in cozumel even posted a photo of an actual bomb on one of the ferry's. Pretty sure that photo is still in one of the threads on scubaboard.
As I understand it, there was a bomb that went off and at least one more that didn't.
Is it safe to go there? I think so, as I went in June and rode the ferry while I was there.
What should have happened? Statements from law enforcement, maybe Quintana roo government or the president of Mexico about how it was being dealt with. What happened? Silence, except from business owners trying to downplay the problem. It's no wonder there's a decline in tourism - that's my point.