@avfcmichael good result last night (in the end!!)
I terms of buying gear, as I've been buying and selling some gear recently, I thought I should add that if you think this is going to be a long term hobby/obsession, if you can, it's worth paying a little more to buy the gear you really want than trying to save a bit of money but not being completely satisfied with your set-up. I learned this to my cost. I've pretty much replaced all the gear I bought originally for various reasons, although this was partly down to a learning process of what works for me and what doesn't, and what's more practical for travel - and I like buying dive gear (ssshhh, don't tell the Mrs!!).
I terms of buying gear, as I've been buying and selling some gear recently, I thought I should add that if you think this is going to be a long term hobby/obsession, if you can, it's worth paying a little more to buy the gear you really want than trying to save a bit of money but not being completely satisfied with your set-up. I learned this to my cost. I've pretty much replaced all the gear I bought originally for various reasons, although this was partly down to a learning process of what works for me and what doesn't, and what's more practical for travel - and I like buying dive gear (ssshhh, don't tell the Mrs!!).