Trace brings up an excellent point... not an unusual occurrence... and I am as guilty as the next in displaying arrogance and lack of empathy to those who provide life lessons for the rest of our community. My free use of the term "Stupid Muppet" springs to mind.
There's a certain amount of hypocrisy in my attitude towards those unfortunates who make avoidable errors, such as diving to 250 feet on air, because I've made my share of stupid mistakes too.
I often quote the lines from Issac Newton who, explaining his creative genius while paying homage to the great thinkers who paved the way for him, said we see the stars because we stand on the shoulders of giants. With apologies, it may be time to turn those sentiments around and give thanks rather than derision to people like the Rouses who give those of us with our eyes open a graphic object lesson in what not to do. Which in this instance is NOT to have a sort of ad-hoc method of staging bottles.