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A bar with a liquor store next door. The hooch is way cheaper at the liquor store. How many go into the bar for drinks, how many to the liquor store and take the hooch home. Before you say it's apples and oranges, wait a minute. The bar has a bartender who provides a way higher level of service than the liquor store does. He has knowledge, he is witty, he tells you a joke. The liquor store has a sullen clerk that snaps gum in your face. You go into a liquor store you'd better know what you want, because the clerk isn't an expert on a fuzzy hairy slippery naval/nipple against the wall. You wouldn't think of asking a bartender to price match the liquor store prices, would ya?
Not that any of this means anything. I was just struck by inspiration.
Not that any of this means anything. I was just struck by inspiration.