"You think standing on principle is arrogant?"
Some people have no principles and therefore do think so. They totally miss the concept that it might be considered arrogant to make a statement like, "If you don't want to pay the fee (tax) then go some place else that maybe a shaddy operation, or don't dive it at all."
"A good portion of the reefs in the keys are dea or dying and the sinking of ships are aimed to help repair the damage that is already done."
Artificial reefs do not repair reef damage. Reefs are damaged primarily by actions taken on land, not by divers.
"If you don't want to pay the fee (tax) then go some place else that maybe a shaddy operation, or don't dive it at all."
If the government institutes a tax I will pay it or dive elsewhere. In the meantime the C of C can ask for donations, but they have no right or authority to charge a fee.
"For your information, there ain't no money to be made in the Keys dive industry."
You are living in a dream world if you buy that.
"and there isn't any money to sink or float most ships"
The Eagle, Duane, Bibb and Spiegel Grove were all funded by dive shops in the Keys as well as other businesses which contributed. The cost of the Spiegel Grove went up because of incompetence.
"Think about the folks in Tavernier that can't even break even with trips north to the Speigel Grove"
They've been making good money for years on trips to the Duane, Bibb and Eagle. If they can't make money on a trip to the Speigel Grove they need to make changes.
"and they also commited to selling an amount of tags each year."
That was their choice.
"what about the shops in Islamorada and Marathon that are losing dive business to Key Largo"
They also lose business to Disney World. Do you have a point?
"You think standing on principle is arrogant?"
Some people have no principles and therefore do think so. They totally miss the concept that it might be considered arrogant to make a statement like, "If you don't want to pay the fee (tax) then go some place else that maybe a shaddy operation, or don't dive it at all."
"A good portion of the reefs in the keys are dea or dying and the sinking of ships are aimed to help repair the damage that is already done."
Artificial reefs do not repair reef damage. Reefs are damaged primarily by actions taken on land, not by divers.
"If you don't want to pay the fee (tax) then go some place else that maybe a shaddy operation, or don't dive it at all."
If the government institutes a tax I will pay it or dive elsewhere. In the meantime the C of C can ask for donations, but they have no right or authority to charge a fee.
"For your information, there ain't no money to be made in the Keys dive industry."
You are living in a dream world if you buy that.
"and there isn't any money to sink or float most ships"
The Eagle, Duane, Bibb and Spiegel Grove were all funded by dive shops in the Keys as well as other businesses which contributed. The cost of the Spiegel Grove went up because of incompetence.
"Think about the folks in Tavernier that can't even break even with trips north to the Speigel Grove"
They've been making good money for years on trips to the Duane, Bibb and Eagle. If they can't make money on a trip to the Speigel Grove they need to make changes.
"and they also commited to selling an amount of tags each year."
That was their choice.
"what about the shops in Islamorada and Marathon that are losing dive business to Key Largo"
They also lose business to Disney World. Do you have a point?