SouthEast Florida Conchs Holiday Gathering: SAVE THE DATE!

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Thank you SO much. It was an AWESOME party. Y'know, I just moved to the area this year, don't have any family here and cannot hang with coworkers. Sooo, my ScubaBoard buddies are my family. Thanks for making it possible for me to get to know more of them.

Had a great time. Even If I could not flirth. Next time I leave the wedding band at home and don't mention how much I love my wife.
Sucker! :rofl3:

No more, though than I....

I smelled a rat with the gift exchange and never mentioned it! Rules being changed mid stream... Becky bringing extra in case someone "forgot"... Jenny snatching the gift I picked out of my hand (quickly, I might add) and handing me another...

Hmmm... As Pixie can attest, I am very good at guessing what is in a wrapped package before it's opened :eyebrow:

Was I fooled? Nah... as soon as I saw the word "Rendezvous" I knew I needed to play up the spectacle as much as possible for SB pictures.

I'm sure Debby will post them soon
Tom, glad you made it over. Sorry we didn't get to chat a bit. Glad you had a good time though, and you got to meet some local divers.

ektess1, Fun time. Thanks for taking a bunch of food home. Now I know it won't go to waste.

Showboat-Glad you made it. Yeah, you shoulda showed up earlier. YOu missed all the fun! :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:

Thankfully there was the perfect amount of food brought. Barely any leftovers, though the rum table is still pretty full. hmmm, I wonder if a party can remedy that?

And only a couple plastic glasses were left here. Dang, I was hoping for some crystal! LOL
And "Mark" glad you made it and the zucchini bread is to die for! Thank YOU for coming.

Now it's way past rum O'Clock and I need my beauty rest.. good night all. Thanks so much for the memorable time. My pleasure. :)

ROFL... my name is not Mark is Beefcake!!!:shakehead:
Our Festivus Celebration hosted by Capt. Morgan's Wife...


...began with The Airing of Grievances by Kevin

How many divers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Festivus could not be complete without The Festivus Pole & The Feats of Strength


As promised, dates and kisses for everyone were provided by Debby


The party quickly deteriorated... Here's "STEVE" and "T-CUP" aka Bad Buddy aka tcarpjr

Dan touching Debby's thong!

KBeck on her knees sizing up Pete :eyebrow:

No time for red-eye reduction... I really have to get to work!

I'm withholding the rest of the pictures to protect the innocent or until I need a big favor from someone :D!

Jenny, thank you for opening your home and hosting such a GREAT party. I had a blast meeting you and seeing old friends and making new ones !

Wishing you and all a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year!


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