Windwalker once bubbled...
When changing a Lightbulb, Do I do it with the Light switch in the Up position or the Down position?
Also, I have read online about the Dreaded Three-Way Switch! Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?
I have a Friend who has been changing Lightbulbs since before there was a certification and he says the switch needs to be down, and not to worry about three way switches because he has never seen any.
Obviously, if you have to ask a question like this you are not nearly experienced or qualified enough to even begin to think about changing a light bulb (Proper spelling is "Light Bulb" BTW)You should seek proper training from a certified DIR light bulb changing agency before you attempt something like this.
Failure to heed this warning could result in a broken light bulb, you "stroke".
PALC (Professional Association of Light bulb Changers)
Master Light bulb Changer Trainer