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Windwalker once bubbled...
When changing a Lightbulb, Do I do it with the Light switch in the Up position or the Down position?

Also, I have read online about the Dreaded Three-Way Switch! Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

I have a Friend who has been changing Lightbulbs since before there was a certification and he says the switch needs to be down, and not to worry about three way switches because he has never seen any.

Obviously, if you have to ask a question like this you are not nearly experienced or qualified enough to even begin to think about changing a light bulb (Proper spelling is "Light Bulb" BTW)You should seek proper training from a certified DIR light bulb changing agency before you attempt something like this.

Failure to heed this warning could result in a broken light bulb, you "stroke".


PALC (Professional Association of Light bulb Changers)
Master Light bulb Changer Trainer
Padipro once bubbled...

Obviously, if you have to ask a question like this you are not nearly experienced or qualified enough to even begin to think about changing a light bulb (Proper spelling is "Light Bulb" BTW)You should seek proper training from a certified DIR light bulb changing agency before you attempt something like this.

Failure to heed this warning could result in a broken light bulb, you "stroke".

Scott, that was unnecessarily harsh. I have over 15 Logged Lightbulb changes; my buddy says I looked really good while changing the light bulbs! This weekend I think I am going to try Compact Fluorescent. Every "Stroke" has to start somewhere!

And according to LBCSI (Lightbulb Changers Schools International) the correct spelling is "Lightbulb” Since they are my certification agency, I will go with what they say!

My Instructor does not subscribe to the DIR method of Lightbulb changing. And since the statistics show that people who are DIR trained are more likely to change More complicated lightbulbs in more strenuous environments and thus are more prone to have "Accidents" where the lightbulb is damaged; I think it will be a while before I try that type of endeavor.
I just rechecked the manual for LBCSI (Light bulb Changers Schools International) and it is Light Bulb.. I didn't see the space. Ooops!
..I used to work as a janitor back in my college days. I've changed many different types of lamps (reading lamps, desk lights, etc.). It's cool and all, but what really fascinates me is ceiling fixtures. They are just AWESOME!

I don't actually go into the room with the ceiling fixture, as I haven't been properly trained in changing lightbulbs in a overhead enviornment. I just hang out outside the room with the bulb that needs changing and check out the exterior walls and what not. I am SO looking forward to my ceiling fixture training!...until then, though, I only stand outside the room and watch the bulb being changed through the doorway.

Safety First!
I know that there is several diffirent certifiying agencies out there for light bulb changing. Which one should I go to. I mean, I plan on changing bulbs for many years to come, and I am sure I will travel and change them in far away places. WHich certifying agency should I use that will have the most acceptance???

Paul =-)
If you have a choice between PALI (Put another Lightbulb in) or LBCSI (Lightbulb changers schools International) I would Go with LBCSI. Even though PALI is a larger institution it seems that the instructors (That I have seen) are not very well trained. I really Liked my LBCSI instructors. They were pleasent. Also LBCSI is almost as large as PALI and are recognised internationally.

Another thing that I like about LBCSI is that they have a definite progression based on how many lightbulbs you have changed. If you have changed 50 lightbulbs and have taken 4 specialty courses then you are certified advanced. Of course many people say that is just a way to get more money out of you. In PALI one can take their Basic and Advanced course the same weekend. Although Many places require Advanced cert before they will allow you to use their facilities, I think that will changed based on the number of inexperienced Light bulb changers with advanced certs. :wacko:
PADI announced today the new Lightbulb Specialty Course.

Said a PADI spokesperson " to meet the ever changing
challenges of the new millennium PADI will be teaching
Lightbulb Changing, Advanced Lightbulb Changing and
Technical Lightbulb Changing. The entire package is available
for a modest investment of $ 950.00.

"Remember", he said, "if everyone would light just
one little bulb, what a bright world this would be."

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