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You shouldn't change your own light bulbs - only authorised light bulb technicians should change them. Changing your own light bulbs puts yourself and other light bulb users who have to rescue you at risk.

But if you want to change them yourself, PM me and I can give you the email address of a guy in Europe who sells genuine light bulb changing kits, and a factory PDF service manual that will show you how to change them.

Lightspeed Press also have the Light Bulb Maintenance And Repair, which should be compulsory reading for all light bulb owners, even if you never intend to change your own light bulb.
Big-t-2538 once bubbled...
MY bulbs are bigger than yours.

Well .... i've been changing lightbulbs longer than you!:out:
Scubaroo once bubbled...
...But if you want to change them yourself, PM me and I can give you the email address of a guy in Europe who sells genuine light bulb changing kits, and a factory PDF service manual that will show you how to change them.

Scubaroo, does this guy have a brick and morter shop? I don't believe in buying lightbulbs, parts, or wiring online. I'm a strong believer in supporting my neighborhood LBS (Light Bulb Supplier).

If I buy my lightbulbs from an online dealer and the neighborhood shop goes out of business, what will I do the next time a fuse blows in the middle of the night? :confused:
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha....I can't breath!...ha-ha-ha-ha-ha...I'm having a card......................

No, wait. It's only DIR if you change a blacklight bulb!
It sounds to me like there are a lot of people out there changing light bulbs without the proper training and certification. Did anyone check the changers credentials? Did the changer have a C card for changing light bulbs?

When you change a light bulb with out the proper training and skill level and equipment, you are not only going to get yourself hurt there are others that may get hurt from your negligence.

I refuse to change light bulbs with or assist a light bulb changer who doesn't have what I would consider the appropriate level of training and skill to change light bulbs with me.

But, if you ask me nicely, I may allow you to observe me and my abilities to change light bulbs so you can learn the proper way to change light bulbs. I suggest you seek additional training for changing light bulbs and practice.

BTW, did you plan the whole light bulb change? Plan the change, don't change the plan.

Do Not change light bulbs outside of your training level. Stick to your training only.

(Those who do not... are they called strokes too?) LOL

Does this sound familiar? ROTFL R
This is not advertisting, but I know all of you WANT to know that I will be teaching a DIR Lightbulb - Fundamentals Class next week. PM me if you are interested.

You forgot the LBDIR folks who claim that only they know how to change the light bulb correctly and everyone else is wrong and will die as a result. They also claim that the lightbulb you use is incorrect and you must use the light bulb they specify.
In their defense though, there are those LBDIR that are not so direct and do not claim that everyone else will die as a result of changing a light-bulb...
mars2u once bubbled...
You forgot the LBDIR folks who claim that only they know how to change the light bulb correctly and everyone else is wrong and will die as a result.

Statistics show this to be true. LAN (Lightbulb Alert Network) studies show, most lightbulb changing accidents and fatalities are caused by poor lightbulb changing skills. This should not come as a suprise to anyone that changes lightbulbs much at all.

Please feel free to call LAN at "1-800-YLITEUP" if you feel these statistics are erroneous.
I have just obtained by basic cert in incandescent light bulb changing as well as my advanced for florescent. And I want to continue my training but I and torn between the years of practice and training required by most instructors or should I take one of those 7 day accelerated programs

The Mexican program offers to teach me all about halogen, mercury vapor, sodium; BOTH low and high pressure, metal halide and the complete Masterline: PAR 16, PAR 20, PAR 30 SHORT and LONG neck. And much much more.

BTW I have only changed about 20 bulbs and half of those were in a confined area.

Am I ready????
M.A.H. once bubbled...
I have just obtained by basic cert in incandescent light bulb changing as well as my advanced for florescent. And I want to continue my training but I and torn between the years of practice and training required by most instructors or should I take one of those 7 day accelerated programs

The Mexican program offers to teach me all about halogen, mercury vapor, sodium; BOTH low and high pressure, metal halide and the complete Masterline: PAR 16, PAR 20, PAR 30 SHORT and LONG neck. And much much more.

BTW I have only changed about 20 bulbs and half of those were in a confined area.

Am I ready????

Depends if you bought the right equipment.

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