Bringing the right equipment is certainly an issue...
There is an important variable being left out which might affect certain individuals in Vegas, specifically in the Convention centers. Thanks to Guido and his crew...ahem... I mean the "courteous and ever so polite union members, which are only there to help you with your trade show booth", only certain type of halogen lights are approved for useage. If you show up with the wrong type, expect harassment...darn it... I did it again... ( I mean a "friendly" dialog) from the Fire Marshals which will more than likely result in your wallet / purse being a little lighter. (pun intended)
There is an important variable being left out which might affect certain individuals in Vegas, specifically in the Convention centers. Thanks to Guido and his crew...ahem... I mean the "courteous and ever so polite union members, which are only there to help you with your trade show booth", only certain type of halogen lights are approved for useage. If you show up with the wrong type, expect harassment...darn it... I did it again... ( I mean a "friendly" dialog) from the Fire Marshals which will more than likely result in your wallet / purse being a little lighter. (pun intended)