I vote for Kathydee
I know, I know, I don't get a vote....but I did start the socal thread
+1 for kathy
i got to dive with her (and ben and ted) a couple of weekends ago and it was a great intro to gue/dir.
Thanks Aquaregia for starting this thread. I think Nichole’s DIR/DIR curious M&G’s in SoCal are a great idea!
We are quite fortunate to have a huge supportive community in the Bay Area. We have several resident GUE/UTD instructors, ongoing classes and many helpful divers both at the recreational and technical levels.
Sorry Hepcat, there won’t be a gladiator showdown with blood shed – we are all friends
I am happy to dive with those of you who are curious about our dive system/training. Don and Ben V. also like diving with those who want to experience our diving first hand. Just PM one of us.
Perhaps when Ben V finishes his Tech 1 class, we can co-host a DIR curious Scubaboard M&G which will include recent class grads and those who are interested. I’m game. Ben, are you up for it?
Rob (our GUE Fundies instructor) frequents this forum, so if you really want another “Try GUE Event” make sure to let him know! The event is a great way to meet our instructors, and divers, ask questions about classes, learn about BAUE and sample our equipment in the pool.
I know Don (our UTD Essentials Instructor) has hosted UTD meet-ups from time to time. He also frequents this forum, so let him know if you have interest.
@ Kenn (Kyjellyfish), It was fun to go diving! Let’s do it again.
I look forward to diving with you Kristina and Matt soon. Even if you are still running that clippie thing Matt
Feel free to PM me for contacts.