Smoking and diving

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Smoking is a nasty, filthy habit. I hate having to smell cigarette smoke and risk getting my clothes, hair, or dive gear smelling like it.

People who smoke near me will either get told bluntly to either make sure the smoke goes nowhere around me or to put it out.
And if the smoker refuses?
This is the most polarizing subject.

I appreciate that in some Western Cultures Smoking is frowned upon by the majority (And yet obesity is accepted and you're not allowed to make comments on people's body size)

Not all cultures share that view.

If you are really that anti smoking then seek out non-smoking establishments.

Smokers tend to be considerate - they are used to be made social pariahs. But if the Shop/or boat has a smoking area then both sides should respect it.

A year or so ago I was on a liveaboard, there was a smoking area which I used as other customers and teh majority of the dive staff. It was very convivial havign a drink and a smoke after divign. There was one couple however who made their displeasure known with their snide snarky comments. They of course wanted to participate in the general merriment post dive which happened in the smoking area, and us smokers tried to accommodate them, we weren't going to stop enjoying our designated area.

This couple weren't the fittest, they'd enjoyed too many donuts - they were salad dodgers who would die rather than be seen in a gym. They were also high maintenance divers, needing complete assistance putting on their kit, getting in and out of the dive tender, and having to remove their kit in the water before they could climb the ladders.

They were the first to run out of air and would show their displeasure if a site had current and they'd have to fin (no sites had much current) At teh end of the dive you would have to wait in teh water while they huffed, puffed and generally faffed getting into the boat.

By mid week most had had enough but were biting their lips, until they made one anti smoking comment too far. Because they were customers the dive staff had to suck it up. I didn't - they got a few home truths. They didn't come into our area again, and my bar bill was put on the house.

You see a lot of Dive Pro's that smoke (outside the US) but you don't see a lot of overweight Dive Pro's.

So if your going to make unkind remarks about people who smoke make sure you're perfect otherwise you might not like the response.

Tolerance is a two way street
Come dive here in Quebec. No need for "contacts" to get marijuana, it will be sold in government-run stores

Come dive in Colorado, today. No need to wait until October whatever-it-is.

From here, .ca is closer then .co and we already gave them "fie dollah" for the privilege of transiting through YYZ, that should be good for a few more years... OTOH .co has pretty scenery, no border crossing, and free pot. (Just look around the entrances to rental car return lots at DEN.) Decisions, decisions...

my home country is Lithuania. In Mongolia i currently reside and work. Yes, you are right that in Asia people tend to smoke much more. In European union there are laws that prohibit smoking in many places. Also, cigarettes and cigars are very expensive. I wrote this post due to the following:

1) In FB very famous dive resort posted picture with smoking divers on the boat (including instructor). PADI and other organisations very clearly say that smoking and diving do not go together. So, if you are diving instructor it is extremely bad tone to smoke in front of your students. This would be the same if you start learning driving and your instructor sits in a car with you with bottle of beer.

2) This picyture was posted by some stupid person who is responsible for dive center marketing. I would fire such person immediately because he/she does not understand that this is a very bad publicity.... if i see that diving center instructors and all they students smoke i might get impression that this dive center does not look into diving and safety very seriously. At least i would avoid such dive center.

Regarding GUE - this is really great organisation and according to their rules you should be non-smoker. I think that this is really right approach. I already completed PADI recreational courses and intend to enroll into GUE Fundies or UTD Essentials. At least, what i read about GUE and their philosophy it seems that tehy are very close to my internal value system and thinking.

I was in London and Paris this summer and if there are laws against smoking in many places, I seemed to miss them. The amount of smoking was astonishing and pervasive.

Where are you getting this data? Most weed should not include the additives the tobacco companies put in their cigarettes. Plus..., there's always the edible option.

I have been hearing this stat for years and I think much of it is based on that fact that when people smoke marijuana, they hold it in before exhaling much more than cigarette smokers do. With vaping the negative impact on lungs may be different. I do not know. Edibles, of course, are much better for your lungs, but the danger of over-dosing is much higher.
Oh, so most of the people you know represent all pot users?


You know that one person is eunough to falsify your original statement "no one "smokes" marijuana any more"

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