Hi there,
Had a great great time at last year's "Sinko de Mayo" in Key Largo/Tavernier, and recently several buddies asked me whether I had info on this year's event. Since I didn't, I decided to get the ball rolling myself. :cool2:
Sinko III will be May 8-10!
Last year's model worked well, so I say we repeat it. Lodging arrangements should be similar to last year, and Capt. Gary of Conch Republic Divers is onboard as well.
I believe that last year's schedule was:
- Sat morning: Duane/Bibb
- Sat afternoon: Spiegel Grove/reef
- Sun morning: Eagle/reef
Don't necessarily need the same schedule, but in the theme of "Sink-O", let's keep a focus on the heavy metal and do some wreck diving!
Looking forward to a great mini reunion in the Keys (just hope that this year I won't have to come straight from MIA and spend the weekend jet-lagged...

)! See you in May!
Here's the links to register, added for your convenience, keep in mind that even though the price says $80 ConchRepublic will honor special SB pricing as follows:
Saturday May 9th
Sunday May 10th
- blondeambition/Danielle
- DebbyDiver
- deepstops/Brian
- H2OSkier + FairWaterDiver (FKA Mrs H2O)
- LowVizWiz
- MissDirected/Tracy
- netmage/Sir Timothy :tongue:
- nwgarne +1
- scubaken/Ken
- solensdotter/Laura +2
- stu_in_fl/Stu
- Tasdiver/Teri
- truck1/Ronnie
- Chugger/Mike &
- KarenCRNA
- BruceTrinity
- LewisEvans
- Pura Vida Diver/Scott
- Catra + 1
Please note, Kawamas/SpearGirl is putting a party on Saturday night :bounce2: This is for
ALL who are attending Sink-O - even if you aren't staying at Kawama

Please have a look at the list of who is bringing what, decide what you'd like to bring and post up - this way we will know what is on the menu and Becky will have a headcount for steaks :drooling:.
Also from Becky; as you come to the gate you will tell the guard you are there for the Sinko Party in R5, He will give you a pass to let you in and give you directions to R5. Go behind the building of (R5) you will see a Big Tiki Hut.