Free Dives w/ Cristal Clear Charters on Cinco de Mayo - Sinko? - umm May 5th!

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They are in your Photobucket page. :)
Thanks MSFDB!!!!!!!
OK - its Wednesday, the smoke is rolling over the area from the numerous brush fires... the boys are hanging out.. i'm off the rest of the week on Maternity leave... and I want to dive - preceded by a Jaclyn hug of course :D
Miss D... I gotta ask what can you tell me about Costa Rica????

I'll will be retiring there soon. I was there again in February. I have loads of pics I still need to work on. The real deal though, I keep forgetting to take it out of my sig :D
Awsome.... and to think you can barely see my hand LOL... I still haven't made it to walgreens yet, walked in to a major issue at the office yesterday and also had to do a job shadow, and today we have the vendor and our district manager coming in so hopefully this afternoon I will have some pics....
It would have been a better pic had I been able to get Moonie's derriere (I know I mispelled that but oh well). I realize this in *hindsight*. Get it? HIND? (ducking rotten fruit) Oh never mind... ANYWAY!!!! As it was, I was wriggling in under ya, Sharkbaite in an effort to get a good pic, not tank-butt ya, and not knock you or Moonie off the boat. I did my best! :)
Thanks to my awesome SFDB MaxBottomtime (graciously on loan from the Kelp Divers forum) I now have my pics up and will post with the report in the new thread.

He has an option for that. Are you sure you want to go there? LOL!

I would think twice before asking CoolTech to customize your shirts....Here is what he did to mine...:11:

Thanks to my awesome SFDB MaxBottomtime (graciously on loan from the Kelp Divers forum) I now have my pics up and will post with the report in the new thread.

I would think twice before asking CoolTech to customize your shirts....Here is what he did to mine...:11:

OMG! I am rolling on the floor laughing! :rofl3: "B#tch"! :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
It would have been a better pic had I been able to get Moonie's derriere (I know I mispelled that but oh well). I realize this in *hindsight*. Get it? HIND? (ducking rotten fruit) Oh never mind... ANYWAY!!!! As it was, I was wriggling in under ya, Sharkbaite in an effort to get a good pic, not tank-butt ya, and not knock you or Moonie off the boat. I did my best! :)

Isn't this how Cinco went from Cinco to Sink-O? You and your... your, I dunno what.
:confused: :confused: :confused: So after getting spanked on the boat, do that make me MsD's
B#*ch?????? I'm so confused:D
:confused: :confused: :confused: So after getting spanked on the boat, do that make me MsD's
B#*ch?????? I'm so confused:D

:rofl3: :rofl2: hey wait a sec, my hand still hurts from that Travis!

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