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Oh sorry, I suffer from word dyslexia here and there. :D

And I intentionally :whack: people when their dyslexia shows up! :D
Like I said, Loch Ness Spaniel! I've never seen a dog so crazy for swimming!

I love Charlie, he's such a cutie pie and I wonder, Jenny, have you ever seen him with dry fur? :rofl3:

He is dry right now. Of course, he is at home sleeping (I think). Took the garbage out last night, so we are safe there. Wonder if he teases the cats when we are gone?:shakehead:
Ready to nap??

I would love to have Jenny's dog. He loves the water as much as any diver on this forum, He gets up in the morning goes to the bathroom and jumps in the water in that order and never comes out unless someone calls him. He even knows how to float. He's the first one in and the last one out.... He's a true "Conch Dog"
What kind of dogs do you have? Maybe next time your down you can bring them with and have Jen bring hers out to play. Jennys dog is great with other dogs maybe yours would get the water with hers.
They are Great Danes. I dont think there is any hope for them, they dont even like going outside in the rain. :rofl3:
Nice. You live in the rainest place in the US and your dogs don't like the rain! :rofl3:

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