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Guess it depends on who's panties they are. :mooner:

I live in South Florida and dive all the time off Boynton and that area. Since I work from home, I can also dive during the week and I am one of the rare Florida divers that will also dive during the winter here in our chilly 72 degree water!!! But I am also a single female and travel a lot alone so yes, let me know if you want to coordinate some trips. Would love to do that. ALways happy to have new dive buddies - especially those that are willing and able to travel!
Hey OneSpeed... Give those back, and I thought you wouldn't show them to anyone...
I am one of the rare Florida divers that will also dive during the winter here in our chilly 72 degree water!!!

There are actually quite a few of us who live and dive year round in your area.
All you're going to end up with is cbulla, h2Andy, and myself dressed in drag looking for free night dives. This will not end up where you want it to
And this will be different from every other night dive how...? :D

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