When I was fortunate enough to speak with Dr. Gomez the subject of skin bends came up and I got the impression that skin bends were different from other forms of DCS. The subject matter was over my head (and there was free alcohol at the event) but he indicated a theory was being pursued that they may be caused by outgassing through the tissue caused irritation. The irritation to the tissue then triggered an auto immune response and the body’s own defense system would then cause it to attack itself. To myself this seems to be plausible and that stressed tissue would be more prone to this type of event.
Having seen the randomness of skin bends occurring I am interested in any input on the subject from the medical folks out there on the current theory of the cause of Skin bends. What also interests me is if this form DCS is a different medical subset from the primary form of DCS and if the various dive computer algorithms are more weighted to preventing the more serious forms of DCS.
Having seen the randomness of skin bends occurring I am interested in any input on the subject from the medical folks out there on the current theory of the cause of Skin bends. What also interests me is if this form DCS is a different medical subset from the primary form of DCS and if the various dive computer algorithms are more weighted to preventing the more serious forms of DCS.
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