Tomorrow, May 17th, Pensacola Florida gets a new mega dive attraction in the form of the USS Oriskany, an 888 foot long former aircraft carrier. I've been watching the Florida dive forum here and they seem quite excited about it and rightfully so.
Anyways, my thought is that the Great Lakes could use a similar dive attraction that is relatively accessible. Yes, we have some big ore carrier wrecks, but most are either remote (around Isle Royale) extremely deep (like the Eber Ward) or off limits (the Fitz, which also falls into the deep category). I suppose the best thing we have going right now would be the Cedarville, and she is broken and on her side. Wouldnt it be nice to have say a 1000 foot ore carrier specially prepped for diver penetration sitting upright on the bottom of Lake Michigan or Huron within recreational limits and within easy reach of major population centers?? Or maybe we could go the military ship route like Florida did since the Navy is looking to sink more ships? (at least that's the impression I got on the florida dive forum)
It's just a thought...what do you all think?

It's just a thought...what do you all think?