Here goes my forum lurker status...
The arguments around solo strike me kinda like the arguments I heard about teaching sex ed in school. If you are going to do it, then do it safely. but, does teaching a thing make you an advocate or endorser of the thing?
The issue of getting a c-card for solo is what makes this a tough discussion. I don't think anyone is against a diver becoming a safer, better, more aware diver through formalized training.
Where I'm going with this is that I strongly feel that there should be some formal course that teaches the correct equipment, skills and mind set for 'optimal redundancy and safety' in cases where 'you may be separated from your buddy'.
Just because someone dives solo does not mean that they are correctly equipped or have the required skills. Unfortunately without some form of access to training, you end up learning on your own or, God forbid, trusting some internet guru who 'does it all the time, its no big deal'.
There.. An Optimal Redundancy and Safety' (ORS) c-card.
A rose by any other name...