@thebrain: I sent you a longer PM about the major differences in complexity as I see them between the Petrel and the Cobalt (which is the rec computer I'm most familiar with), but my basic answer is that any rec diver will be fine with a Petrel set to OC mode. The major difference I see between the Petrel and the Cobalt for purposes of your question is what a diver can access and change during a dive, mainly re: gas mixes. I don't think the potential to inadvertently make changes to gas mixes during the dive is a dangerous complexity because the process for doing so is clear and deliberate, but it's not an error you can make with the Cobalt. Conversely, though, if you have to change gas during a dive because you set the computer wrong before starting, or you had to change gas because of an emergency, the Petrel would allow you do do that whereas the Cobalt is limited to its pre-dive defined gases.