Shearwater coming out with new DC?

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But what do you get that's different for a rec DC?
You appear to have become too tech to be able to see the world from a rec viewpoint.

Most likely, absolutely nothing new would be offered that couldn't be found in another manufacturer's rec DC. The real value in their offering would be in the physical design, human interface, instructions, and support. I'll repeat myself, I'd love to see their take on this. And that is my whole buy-in to this thread, nothing more.

If they come out with one, I won't buy it. I own a Petrel 2 that I really, really like. They are an approachable and friendly company. Share the love with the rec world...

Basically, you want a Perdix, but don't want to pay full whack.
Completely incorrect.

Why would an OW student want a Perdix?
Well you want the lay out, the instructions, design...

A petrel tells you when your NDL is and will bring you home from short deco.

Your point about being too tech may be a fair one though. And I don't mean that in a grandstanding way. Just I genuinely only really dive in caves. Contemplating a Red Sea holiday this year and can't imagine diving that way like I used to.

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Never once said or even implied cheap or low-reliability.

Basic is exactly that, basic. "Basic" from the viewpoint of the overwhelming tech mindset on this thread.

But "High-End" from a recreational mindset.

Call me dense, but I just do not follow what you are saying. So then from a hardware perspective, "not cheap or low-reliability" implies to me that the hardware of such a hypothetical future product would remain pretty much as it is in their current products. In Rec Mode, the Petrel displays NDL, depth and time, and whether Nitrox or Air, just like many other basic recreational computers. I cannot see how the most recreationally-minded diver who test drives a Petrel in Rec Mode would consider it "high end" or, for that matter, a "tech" computer. I previously owned a Suunto Zoop, and while it cost a mere $300, it felt like it was made of flimsy plastic. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that it has a failure rate that is not out of line for a $300 computer but higher than a computer I would like to dive with. I know I am totally missing your point, and for that I apologize.

To your point:
There is no reason that an injection molded case can't be rugged and reliable. Same with the electronics. I'm only saying that I would like to see them enter the recreational market with ONLY the recreational market in mind.

What do you believe would need to be different about the Petrel and Perdix for you to conclude that Shearwater has "ONLY the recreational market in mind"? Hide/lock the tech mode, so that the user is only presented with the screens pertaining to Rec Mode? So to the user it appears to have no "tech" features? That would be a pretty simple software change. Then they could (proudly?) proclaim that they have developed their first computer aimed "only" at the recreational market. Is that what you are suggesting?

As for the case and electronics, it's my understanding that the Perdix case is molded, not machined, and the suspicion voiced on SB has been that they could amortize the cost of the mold over a sufficient number of units sold to turn a profit. Again, I'm not sure what you are suggesting. You want a computer that is somehow for "ONLY the recreational market," but you are not explicitly saying what you believe would characterize such a computer.
...//... Again, I'm not sure what you are suggesting. You want a computer that is somehow for "ONLY the recreational market," but you are not explicitly saying what you believe would characterize such a computer.
Yes, exactly that. Precisely.

I've been a design engineer (among other things) for many years. The most valuable lesson I've ever learned is how to listen before I design.

you are not explicitly saying what you believe would characterize such a computer.
Absolutely correct, and not without self-discipline on my part. No suggestions, keeping my mouth shut.

I'm dying to see what Shearwater comes up with. They beautifully simplified the presentation of complex information to the tech world.

I'd LOVE to see their approach to the recreational world.
Ah. So you are saying you are being intentionally evasive/vague, because you don't presently know how you would define a computer that says "we have ONLY the recreational market in mind." Okay.

. . .
I'd LOVE to see their approach to the recreational world.

As far as I can tell, it's called the Petrel and Perdix running in Rec Mode.

I think we're done running around in circles here. Some of us rec divers are happy with Shearwater's present offerings, which firmly say "rec" to us, and others would like something else that says "rec" to them but they can't articulate what that is.
You like how they simplified the tech world?

Let's simplify the Rec world.

Before you dive you chose nitrox or air.

Big screen:
During the dive it displays KEEP DIVING if you're in NDL and above MOD for nitrox.

GO UP if you go below MOD for nitrox.

SURFACE: If you have less than 5 minutes to NDL.

SLOW DOWN If surfacing too fast.

STOP for your safety stop.

That's it.

Or would you prefer a computer which tells you your depth, time, time remaining to NDL, TTS if you go into deco, TTS if you spend 5 more minutes at that depth and has a speed indicator? Wait...that sounds like petrel Rec mode...

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---------- Post added January 6th, 2016 at 04:15 PM ----------

Fairy snuff. Scubapro aren't a big brand in the UK so don't know much of their stuff.

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...//... I think we're done running around in circles here. Some of us rec divers are happy with Shearwater's present offerings, which firmly say "rec" to us, and others would like something else that says "rec" to them but they can't articulate what that is.
OK, fair. Your rec DC does trimix.

Of course I can articulate what a recreational computer should do. Anyone on this thread can.

I've had several interesting discussions with a PADI instructor about just this. He is noted for "debriefing" his divers as to just what information they comprehended from their DC on the dive.

OW is concerned with an extremely small set of information. I think that you and most everyone else here would be rather surprised at what the beginning diver actually sees and assimilates from their DC.

I have said all there is for me to say, accept or reject. I really don't care.
If they do safety stop for NDL dives, they're conservative.

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---------- Post added January 6th, 2016 at 04:35 PM ----------

Most boats (at least 10+ years ago) expected a safety stop from you anyway.

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