I spoke with Rep. Tonya Schuitmaker this morning and she told me that the Scuba diver and surfer exemption were in the amendments that were to be added to the Bill in committee. So, if the amended Bill does come out of committee, it should be somewhat improved.
This Bill may address the jumpers, but it does not do anything about the idiots who walk out on the piers while waves are breaking over the top. What's next, prohibiting "walking, running or any other form of foot based traffic" on the piers?
We already have municipalities that are too concerned about lawsuits to put life rings on the piers. Is it too far fetched to worry that soon we will be barred totally from "trespassing" on the piers?
This Bill may address the jumpers, but it does not do anything about the idiots who walk out on the piers while waves are breaking over the top. What's next, prohibiting "walking, running or any other form of foot based traffic" on the piers?
We already have municipalities that are too concerned about lawsuits to put life rings on the piers. Is it too far fetched to worry that soon we will be barred totally from "trespassing" on the piers?