Seeking the DIR Answer: Must DIR Shops be Committed?

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know you have had issues for a long time with the Oahu shop

Actually, that is a mischaracterization. I have not had any interactions with the shop here in over four, maybe five years. But anyway...I appreciate the point about shops in some places trying to be Pre-DIR.

As far as trying to "get data"...asking the question here seemed reasonable. Since you can usually only live in one place...
But I do not think you can paint the entire DIR universe with the same brush. ...but do not generalize. You don't have the data.

When has this ever stopped anyone. This forum has been putting down DIR fallacies as far back as I could read, and still the same asinine stuff comes up. Are my split fins DIR. I saw a DIR guy go to 130ft on air..., is he a stroke? Can I dive double LP104s wet and be DIR? is my double bladder DIR?

Some people will get it, some won't. Some people will agree with it, others won't. To each their own.
Things have changed in the 5 years since I took GUE courses. Back then, it was typical that divers would sign up for the class and on the first day come into the shop and spend thousands of dollars 'updating' their gear.

It was a couple of years later that it was declared that you could be DIR with non-Halcyon gear. But, that is not how it was in the beginning. In fact, you couldn't be DIR with the smallest thing out of place. I can only assume the gear change was necessary to expand the customer base.

It is marketing, but we live in a capitalist society, and there's absolutely nothing wrong that, especially if you can turn out some better divers in the process. More power to ya'...
What companies were producing gear consistent with DIR thinking 5 years ago? There was no Golem gear, no DSS, etc.

Seems to me that the basic gear for caving 5 years ago was pretty consistent with DIR's tenet's, and that's still true today.
Catherine, a large shop here is a Halcyon dealer, bring in the big name GUE instructors, all that. They also sell alot of Dive Rite Transpacs with rec wings, along with jacket style BCs. One of the owners is VERY DIR, to the point he is working on becoming a GUE instructor. I have seen him dive completely recreational dive sites still in his doubles and 18w HID. However he is also about to become an instructor for Inspiration rebreathers. He personally believes in DIR, dives for himself DIR, tries to further DIR, but still has to make money and offer what the customers want.

In a recent PM I mentioned I was just on your beautiful island and got to go dive, compared to southern california diving, Hawaii was just too easy. I told my wife it wasn't real diving, it was vacation diving. Ill admit I went below 100 feet on an alumum 80 filled with nitrox 21... however with the type of diving I was doing there, I saw no need for my doubles, drysuit, helium, (well I did take my 18w HID...)

I know of people that on recreational dives will only dive DIR gear, but they work sometimes underwater for filmwork. I was surprised that they prefer jacket style bcs when working because it keeps them in a vertical position making it easier to work/watch whats going on. So basically there is a time and place for everything, DIR does have a lot of good points, but it is not the only way to do all dives. Obviously we do not know each other, but you seem like a good person from what I have read of your posts, can you honestly say that you are as good of a person ALL the time as you would like to be? Everyone "slips"

next time I go to Hawaii, I am going to talk with you and find out what shop will take me out and not make me follow some DM who wont stop talking...including under water!
In other words, can I sell Halcyon, market and sell Fundies, etc and still dive non-DIR tourist divers on clearly non-DIR compliant profiles and practices?

The answer is yes, you can.

This is how THE DIR shop works. The place where people come for GUE instructor training is also the place you can buy split fins, spearguns, and do all sorts of things not considered DIR.
Our local GUE shop here isn't a dive op. They do teach OW -- They have to. I don't know what their OW classes are like now, but I know who they have had teach for them in the past, and I'm quite sure that at least at that time, the OW class was as DIR-sympathetic as they could make it.
That shop currently has two instructors doing recreational classes. One's a NAUI Tech instructor and the other's a NAUI course director. Neither "pushes" DIR ... but both teach in ways that would lead to a smooth transition for those who later choose to move in that direction.

I know their charters are DIR and dive DIR profiles and gases.
In fact, their tech charters accommodate both NAUI and GUE divers ... although they dive as separate teams. The NAUI divers can ... by their own standards ... dive "best mix" if they choose to. This is the team I'm diving with currently (although not on shop dives), and we use standard mixes and ratio deco schedules ... not because it's "DIR" but because it simplifies dive planning and makes for better team execution.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I was surprised that they prefer jacket style bcs when working because it keeps them in a vertical position making it easier to work/watch whats going on. So basically there is a time and place for everything

That's interesting, as is Bob's post.

I just really like to know the larger context all of this is taking place in...who said

Education cannot happen in the context of training ? I really like that one...

The politics and practices of the regional differences always interests me.

This is how THE DIR shop works. The place where people come for GUE instructor training is also the place you can buy split fins, spearguns, and do all sorts of things not considered DIR.

I feel that you have really minimized my question, but I suppose that is useful in some cases.
J.J.'s shop in High Springs sells non-DIR stuff along with the DIR stuff

i don't see it as an issue

a shop can't be "DIR" ... only people can

True story, I arrive in High Springs to bow at the alter of Ginnie Springs, and we stop by EE to check out the offerings. Big banner strewn across the front of the shop advetising Snorkel Gear & Tube Rentals. What made it even funnier was a thread going over on TDS at the time about requiring tubing certifications, but I digress....

DIR is all about philosophy ad mantality. Diving safely, everything is really an extension of that.
What companies were producing gear consistent with DIR thinking 5 years ago?

really? cause I've had my Eclipse almost that long, I thought.

I wonder if its a classic yet. ...could I have a "first edition?"

well, I appreciate the PMs that cite all the "other DIR examples" certainly is NOT limited to DIR shops.

Take here for example. Do you think there is ONE operator (mostly PADI) that briefs people not to penetrate our wrecks? We have five wrecks or so..all deep, over 100 ft anyway. "Advanced Intros" buzzing through them all day/night long. I'm just a little exasperated with the public faces people put on all across the board, all areas of diving. "Do not penetrate unless you are trained"...then the next day said people are whipping through there with all their tourists in a line, at 100 dollars a pop. I feel like I'm in the fairytale "The Emperor's New Clothes" a lot of days.

Maybe because I am honest about what I do and take a little heat, I am feeling a bit indignant. I don't understand saying one thing and doing another..why not just dive the way you want and practice whatever you preach? I know some people DO, I wish it were more.

Wrecks can be it is an issue in some places weather people want to face that or not.

I realize I'm off DIR topic, have mercy.

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