For once, I completly agree with
@Boarderguy above. Your suit is nearly the same as mine, and I have no regrets. Kubi vs Rolock is absolutely personal preference, both are solid ring systems. If you add/change anything to your order, might also suggest adding some spare wrist seals and maybe a spare neck seal, they are far cheaper from seaskin than anywhere else, and they have a great shelf life. 55+ degrees and you'll be absolutely fine regardless of which neck seal or with/without warm neck option.
As far as asthetics, I like how the raw neck ring ridges look right next to the raw corrugated inflator hose
If I had to do it all over again, I would personally do something this over all black. Grey or Green look like they might not be such "PRIMARY COLOR WOW!" and actually add some color in a non-annoying manner.
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