Get a HangAir Hanger. I initially thought it was a little gimmicky, but it works great.
HangAir Hanger
I have one of those. I have never found it useful for drying the inside of drysuit boots.
I got a set of these and they work pretty well for those occasions when the inside of my drysuit boots get wet.
Best just to have a good suit (like a Seaskin) and not get water in your feet.
People in this thread like the Kubi system, but in my dry suit cert, one of the suits had the oval seals and they looked to give more maneuverability. As a photographer, I didn't want a large ring to impede my wrist flexibility if I could avoid it, so I went with the oval system. (I just ordered my suit, so can't speak to realworld use

Also, the printable kubi ring-size template didn't give me full confidence my hand would fit into any but the largest size, so that's another reason I went with ovals.
Before I ordered my first Kubi rings, I printed out their template, then traced the circles onto cardboard and cut them out with an x-acto knife. I could *just* fit my hand through the hole for the 80mm rings, so that's what I ordered. And, it turned out that I can *just* fit my hand through the actual 80mm rings (with a dry glove liner on). Pretty much perfect fit, for me.
I am also a photographer. I don't find that my Kubi rings impede wrist flexibility at all. In fact, one of the things I like about the Kubi rings over some other systems is how narrow they are. Meaning, the total length that the complete, assembled system takes up on my forearm/wrist area is the shortest of any ring system I have looked at.
Regardless, I don't feel like wrist rings have any impact on my ability to shoot photos. The thing that concerns me about wrist rings is how they affect my ability to fit my hand down in between my body and any pony/deco/bail-out cylinders I have slung on my sides. For example, if I'm trying to reach down into a thigh pocket.
I guess oval rings might help ease that issue. I think the Kubis are also a good option (at least for me) for that because they are not one-size-fits-all. My wrist rings are the smallest that they can be and still fit my hands through. I am skeptical that any one-size-fits-all rings (oval or not) are really going to be much, if any, smaller to ease fitting my hand down and through to my thigh pockets.
The ScubaForce Thenar rings seem like they might be the best - at least for that issue. I would love to try them out, but don't really have that option.
ScubaForce Thenar Drysuit Gloves with their unique oval ring sets provide more freedom of movement than traditional ring systems and are perfectly designed for technical diving. The oval Thenar rings are constructed of hard, anodized aluminum and the shape of the ring is devised to match the...